This profound poetry collection, written by a disciple of Zen Master Thich Nhat Han, charts a journey from turmoil to tranquility. In this deeply personal work, Sister Dang Nghiem, known for her insightful and compassionate teachings, unveils a journey of transformation and healing that bridges two pivotal phases of her life: the years prior to her monastic ordination and the profound insights gained thereafter. This unique compilation, divided into two distinct parts, illustrates Sister Dang Nghiem's evolution not just as a poet but as a spiritual practitioner.
- The first half, spanning 1989-1999, offers a glimpse into her pre-monastic life, filled with yearnings for reconciliation and liberation yet entangled in suffering and attachments.
- The latter half, encompassing her writings from 2000 to 2023, reflects a stark transformation, imbued with the wisdom and tranquility of her Zen practice.
Not just a display of poetic prowess, but also a testament to Sister Dang Nghiem's resilience and spiritual growth, these poems resonate with honesty and vulnerability, providing readers with a candid testament to the life-altering power of healing through mindfulness and deep community. The River in Me offers a path toward inner peace and wholeness for those navigating the complexities of life and is an essential read for anyone seeking solace and understanding.