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The Road to Science Fiction: From Heinlein to Here

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2002-03-11
  • Publisher: Scarecrow Press

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Now in paperback! Cloth edition previously published in 1979. Volume 3, From Heinlein to Here, covers the period from 1940 to 1975, beginning in the Golden Age of Science Fiction and ending at a time when SF book publication was just beginning to explode and SF films (2001: A Space Odyssey; Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Wars, E.T.) would soon dominate box offices.

Author Biography

James Gunn is professor emeritus of English at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Among his best-known novels are The Joy Makers, The Immortals (which was adapted as a television movie and then a series, The Immortal), The Listeners, Kampus, and The Dreamers. His Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction won a Hugo Award for nonfiction. Gunn served as president of the Science Fiction Writers of America and of the Science Fiction Research Association and founded the Center for the Study of Science Fiction.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. ix
Introductionp. xiii
Beyond These Horizonsp. 1
"All You Zombies"p. 4
The Clear, Cool Voice of Asimovp. 15
Reasonp. 18
The Simak Reservationp. 34
Desertionp. 36
Mimsy Were the Kuttnersp. 47
Mimsy Were the Borogovesp. 50
The Bradbury Chroniclesp. 79
The Million-Year Picnicp. 82
More Than SFp. 91
Thunder and Rosesp. 94
Ecce Feminap. 114
That Only a Motherp. 117
A Matter of Timep. 126
Brooklyn Projectp. 129
The Social Sidep. 138
Coming Attractionp. 141
The Expanding Universep. 153
The Sentinelp. 156
Farmerworldp. 164
Sail On! Sail On!p. 167
The Science in Science Fictionp. 176
Critical Factorp. 179
Why Not Literature?p. 192
Fondly Fahrenheitp. 195
A Touch of Stonep. 213
The Cold Equationsp. 216
The Ballads of Lost C. Smithp. 238
The Game of Rat and Dragonp. 240
Scalpel of Witp. 254
Pilgrimage to Earthp. 257
The British Are Coming!p. 267
Who Can Replace a Man?p. 270
The Sirens of Mainstreamp. 279
Harrison Bergeronp. 282
That Old-Time Religionp. 288
The Streets of Ashkelonp. 291
Terminal Fictionp. 304
The Terminal Beachp. 307
Again and Againp. 326
Dolphin's Wayp. 329
The Future as Metaphorp. 345
Slow Tuesday Nightp. 348
Through a Glass Darklyp. 355
Day Millionp. 359
Will Reality Please Raise Its Hand?p. 364
We Can Remember It for You Wholesalep. 367
The New Thingp. 386
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Screamp. 389
Aye, and Delanyp. 403
Aye, and Gomorrahp. 406
The New Scientific Revolutionp. 415
The Jigsaw Manp. 418
Hard Science and Soft Peoplep. 428
Kyriep. 431
Out of the Knightp. 441
Masksp. 444
Surviving the Futurep. 453
From Stand on Zanzibarp. 456
The Big Protestp. 470
The Big Flashp. 472
The Origin and Development of Science Fiction Writersp. 491
Sundancep. 494
Science Fiction as Similep. 507
From The Left Hand of Darknessp. 510
Issues and Controversiesp. 523
When It Changedp. 526
The Science Fiction Art Storyp. 534
The Engine at Heartspring's Centerp. 537
The Uncertain Futurep. 545
Tricentennialp. 548
About the Authorp. 567
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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