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Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines : Full-Color Bible Charts, Illustrations of the Tabernacle, Temple, and High Priest, Then and Now Bible Maps, Biblical and Historical Time Lines

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2003-01-01
  • Publisher: ROSE PUBLISHING
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $29.70 Save up to $1.41
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The bestsellingRose Book Of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lineswas the 2007 #1 Bible Reference book sold in Christian bookstores! Spiral bound for ease of use, this is a must-have for every pastor and teacher. It offers180 pages of full-color Bible charts, maps, and time lines -all reproducible. A $250 value when items are purchased separately.Book measures 11.25" x 9.5" x 1". Special hard cover hides spiral binding. Looks great on a bookshelf and opens flat for ease of use and for photocopying. Copies are limited to 300 per original document, in one church only. Rose Book Of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Linesis an outstanding study, teaching and pastor reference resource for understanding biblical dates, geography, events, and much more. Compare Bible times and now at a single glance. Look inside the Tabernacle and Solomonrs"s Temple. Compare religions. There are literally thousands of facts to enrich oners"s Bible study, understanding, and teaching. Here is a sampling of the content found in this bestselling book: Full-color Bible Charts Overviews of the Old and New Testaments The Creation Maps that compare Bible and modern times The Holy Land: The Middle East; Where Jesus Walked Paulrs"s Journeys Detailed illustrations of the Tabernacle, Temple and High Priest The Tabernacle Palm Sunday to Easter Biblical and historical Time Lines Christian History Timeline Bible Time Line How We Got the Bible Christianity, Cults & Religions Denominations Comparison Islam & Christianity

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