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The Routledge Companion to Directors' Shakespeare

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-04-03
  • Publisher: Routledge
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'Bringing directorial labour into sharp focus, this long overdue volume represents a valuable contribution to theatre history. It not only heightens our understanding of the art and craft of directing Shakespeare but also enables a comprehensive overview of over a century of directorial practice. This is a book to be read, and reread: there are deep pleasures here.' - Barbara Hodgdon, University of Michigan, USA 'An invaluable resource for anyone interested in modern Shakespeare production. The breadth of coverage is one of its greatest assets. A major contribution to Shakespeare performance studies.' - James Loehlin, University of Texas, USA The Routledge Companion to Director's Shakespeare is a major collaborative book about plays in performance. Thirty authoritative accounts describe in illuminating detail how some of theatre's most talented directors have brought Shakespeare's texts to the stage. A must-have work of reference for students of both Shakespeare and theatre, this book presents some of themost acclaimed productions of the last hundred years in a variety of cultural and political contexts. Each entry describes a director's own theatrical vision, and methods of rehearsal and production. Notable entries include: Ingmar Bergman; Peter Brook; Declan Donnelan; Tyrone Guthrie; Peter Hall; Fritz Kortner; Robert Lepage; Joan Littlewood ; Yukio Ninagawa; Joseph Papp; Roger Planchon; Max Reinhardt; Giorgio Strehler;Deborah Warner; Orson Welles; Franco Zeffirelli. John Russell Brown was an Associate Director of the Royal National Theatre for fifteen years, and has also chaired the Drama Panel of the Arts Council of Great Britain. He is author of numerous works on Shakespeare, including New Sites for Shakespeare (Routledge, 1999), and Shakespeare and the Theatrical Event (2002), and is editor of The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre (1995).

Table of Contents

Ingmar Bergmanp. 1
Peter Brookp. 16
Glen Byam Shawp. 37
Deguchi Noriop. 54
Declan Donnellanp. 69
Peter Gillp. 86
Harley Granville Barkerp. 105
Tyrone Guthriep. 123
Peter Hallp. 140
Terry Handsp. 160
Henry Irvingp. 174
Fritz Kortnerp. 192
Michael Langhamp. 211
Robert Lepagep. 233
Joan Littlewoodp. 251
Ninagawa Yukiop. 269
Trevor Nunnp. 284
Joseph Pappp. 307
B. Iden Paynep. 323
Roger Planchonp. 339
William Poelp. 356
Max Reinhardtp. 374
Barrie Rutterp. 389
Mark Rylancep. 407
Peter Steinp. 425
Giorgio Strehlerp. 441
Julie Taymorp. 457
Deborah Warnerp. 474
Orson Wellesp. 493
Peter Zadekp. 509
Franco Zeffirellip. 526
Index of directorsp. 549
Index of playsp. 559
General indexp. 567
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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