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Sales Leadership The Essential Leadership Framework to Coach Sales Champions, Inspire Excellence, and Exceed Your Business Goals

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2018-09-25
  • Publisher: Wiley
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List Price: $29.00 Save up to $9.87
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"Coaching is the universal language of learning, development, and change."

Imagine a workplace without fear, stress, or worry. Instead, you're acknowledged as a valued, contributing team player who doesn't sacrifice priorities, values, happiness, or your life for your job. Sound ludicrous? Consider this is a reality in many thriving organizations.

Most leadership books don't apply to sales leadership. Sales leaders are uniquely and indispensably special and need to be coached in a way that's aligned with their role, core competencies, and individuality to achieve their personal goals and company objectives.

What if you can successfully coach anyone in 15, 5, or even 60 seconds using one question? Sales Leadership makes delivering consistent, high-impact coaching easy. For busy, caring managers, this removes the pressure and misconception that, "Coaching is difficult, doesn't work, and I don't have time to coach."

Since most managers don't know how to coach, they become part of the non-stop, problem-solving legion of frustrated Chief Problem Solvers who habitually do others' work, create dependency, and nourish the seed of mediocrity.

Great business leaders shift from doing people's jobs to developing them by learning the language of leadership coaching.

In its powerful simplicity, Sales Leadership delivers a chronological path to develop a thriving coaching culture and coaching leaders who develop top performing teams and sales champions.

Using Keith's intuitive LEADS Coaching Framework™, the coaching talk tracks for critical conversations, and his Enrollment strategy to create loyal, unified teams, you will inspire immediate change. Now, coaching is easily woven into your daily conversations and rhythm of business so that it becomes a natural, healthy habit.

In his award-winning book, Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions, Keith was the first Master Certified Coach to share his personal coaching playbook that is now the standard for coaching excellence. Ten years later, and one million miles traveled, he reveals the evolution of sales leadership and coaching mastery through his experiences working with Fortune 5000 companies and small businesses worldwide.

In the first book ever titled Sales Leadership, you'll master the ability to:

  • Ask more questions, give less advice, and build trust and accountability to rely on people to do their job.
  • Reduce your workload and save 20 hours a week on unproductive and wasteful activities.
  • Shatter the toxic myths around coaching to eliminate generational gaps and departmental silos.
  • Achieve business objectives, boost sales faster, and retain more customers.
  • Create buy-in around strategic change and improve daily performance metrics.
  • Assess company readiness and ensure implementation of a successful and sustainable coaching initiative and create a healthy, happy workplace.
"People create the mindset, mindset shapes behavior, behavior defines culture, and ultimately, culture determines success. That's why the primary business objective is: To Make Your People More Valuable."

Author Biography

KEITH ROSEN is the founder of Coachquest and CEO of Profit Builders, named one of the Best Sales Training and Coaching Companies Worldwide. Since 1989, Keith has delivered his transformational programs to hundreds of thousands of salespeople and managers in practically every industry; on five continents and in over 75 countries. Inc. magazine and Fast Company named Keith one of the five most influential executive coaches, and has appeared on the award-winning television show, Mad Men. Keith has written several bestsellers including, Own Your Day, and the globally acclaimed Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions, winner of Five International Best Book Awards and the #1 bestselling sales leadership book on Amazon since 2009. Visit KeithRosen.com.

Table of Contents

Preface The Power of Why xix

CHAPTER ONE Preparing for the Cultural Evolution 1

What’s Your Business DNA? 1

Burn the Bridge of Mediocrity 2

Boardroom or Bored Room: Defining Corporate Culture 4

The Company Ecosystem 4

You’re Not Coaching Effectively 5

A 10-Year Coaching Study 7

Assessing Your Culture and the ROI of Coaching 8

34 Characteristics of a Coaching Culture 11

Preparing for Your Cultural Evolution 12

Preparing for Your Cultural Journey 14

Can’t Change Your Company’s Culture?

Create a Subculture Instead 19

Stop Selling, Start Coaching 23

CHAPTER TWO L.E.A.D.S.: Your Guiding Framework for Transformational Coaching 27

Questions Are the Universal Language 29

A Universal Definition of Coaching 30

The Revised L.E.A.D.S. Model for Masterful Coaching 31

24 Types of Questions in the L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Framework 38

How to Coach in 10 Minutes or Less 45

Coaching Simplified: The Only Three Coaching Gaps You’ll Ever Uncover 47

CHAPTER THREE The L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Model at Work 51

Directive Coaching Is Not a Thing 51

Using the L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Model 53

Ten-Minute Coaching Moments 53

The Cost of Not Coaching 57

Justifying Your Role as the Super Salesperson 58

Coaching versus Training: What’s the Difference? 61

CHAPTER FOUR How to Coach in 10 Minutes or Less 65

“Coaching Takes Too Long” 66

The Five Parts of the 60-Second Coaching Question 69

Ask for an Opinion, Not a Solution 71

Impromptu Situational Coaching—the ABCs of Leadership 72

Team Coaching or Team Meetings? 75

Your Meetings Suck: How Managers

Facilitate Influential, Productive Meetings 76

Lead with Questions, Not Answers 78

Abandon Absolute Thinking and Embrace Dualities 82

CHAPTER FIVE Tools to Manage the Coaching Process and Assess Results 85

The Revised Coaching Prep Form 86

Capturing the Measurable Impact of Coaching 87

Are You Reviewing Results or Performance? 92

Enter the Coaching Action Plan 93

CHAPTER SIX Transforming Critical Conversations into Positive Change and Measurable Results 97

The Hard Truth 97

Coach and Be Happy 98

Resign as Chief Problem Solver 99

Control Freak? A Case for Letting Go 102

Performance Coach or Chief Problem Solver? You Decide 103

An Eight-Minute Coaching Conversation 105

CHAPTER SEVEN Creating Unity, Trust, and Buy-In: The Art of Enrollment 113

What Is Enrollment? 114

Everyone Loves Confrontation 117

There’s No Such Thing as a Difficult Conversation 118

The Six Steps of Enrollment 120

Coaching versus Enrollment: The Difference and Synergy 123

How to Destroy Trust and Isolate Your Team 127

The Cost of Not Enrolling 129

Manage Expectations with Precision: A Different Kind of Conversation 131

CHAPTER EIGHT Seven Essential Enrollment Conversations That Create Companywide Alignment 133

Prepare Your People for Change 134

A Subtle Distinction 150

CHAPTER NINE Coach Tracks: Turn Difficult Situations into Coaching Wins 151

Conversation #1: Eliminating Departmental and Interpersonal Silos 151

Conversation #2: Inheriting an Existing Team 155

Conversation #3: Peer Yesterday, Boss Today: Changing Roles from Peer to Boss 158

Conversation #4: The Revised 30-Day Turnaround Strategy for Underperformers 158

Conversation #5: The Evolution of the 30-Day Turnaround Strategy: The Success Acceleration Program 161

CHAPTER TEN Mindful Coaching: The Inner Game of Coaching Champions 163

Assumptions in Communication 164

Coach the Written Message 174

Coaching the Elusive Topic of Time Management and Personal Productivity 177

Coaching a Top Producer to Change Their Toxic Attitude and Behavior 180

Can You Coach Fear and Confidence? 184

CHAPTER ELEVEN Know Your Players: Transforming Talent Through Observation and Feedback 185

Three Ways to Uncover the Gap 186

Coach the Person, Not the Spreadsheet 188

Sharing an Observation versus Developing Someone: What’s the Difference? 197

CHAPTER TWELVE 15 Common Coaching Killers That Sabotage Coaching Success 201

Toxic Tactic #1: Nine Painfully Stupid, Disempowering Words to Stop Using 201

Toxic Tactic #2: Are You Coaching People or Closing Them? 203

Toxic Tactic #3: Coaching in Your Own Image 209

Toxic Tactic #4: Living Everywhere but Now 211

Toxic Tactic #5: Coaching Multiple Gaps at a Time 217

Toxic Tactic #6: Double-Dipping on Questions 219

Toxic Tactic #7: Coaching Is for Losers 220

Toxic Tactic #8: In Search of the Perfect Coaching Question 221

Toxic Tactic #9: Caring Too Much 222

Toxic Tactic #10: Is Everyone Truly Coachable? 222

Toxic Tactic #11: The Coachee Answers the Question—Not You! 223

Toxic Tactic #12: Getting Suckered by These Two Common Phrases 223

Toxic Tactic #13: Thinking You’re Super Coach 225

Toxic Tactic #14: Losing Patience in Coaching 226

A GPS for Your Patience 226

Toxic Tactic #15: Dishonoring the ABCs of Leadership 228

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Culture-Shift: Sustaining The Habit of Coaching 231

Six Strategies to Build and Maintain Your Coaching Culture 232

1. Peer-to-Peer Coaching 232

2. Cross-Team Coaching and Observation 234

3. Monthly Coaching Mindshare Sessions 234

4. Get Your Own Coach 235

5. Create Coaching Evangelists 235

6. Leverage Technology or Build Reciprocated Accountability 235


CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Final Transformation 239

16 Final Guidance Principles to Become a Coaching Prodigy 243

Appendix Seven Steps to Creating a Top Performing Coaching Culture 247

Become the Model of Exemplary Sales Leadership 251

Bring This Coaching Code into Your Company 251

Acknowledgments 253

About the Author 255

Index 257

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