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Secrets of Winning Lotto & Lottery

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2016-06-21
  • Publisher: Cardoza
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List Price: $9.95


This concise easy-to-read book is perfect for the tens of millions of players who play lottery and lotto games weekly and want to win millions of dollars! 

This concise easy-to-read book is perfect for the tens of millions of players who play lottery and lotto games weekly—they get the winning secrets used by huge jackpot winners in one fast, easy read! Million-selling gaming authority Avery Cardoza, author of Lottery Super System and more than 40 other how-to gaming books, shows players how to identify hot numbers, overdue numbers, clusters, kings and queens, and how to use them in efficient wheels to increase their chances of winning jackpots by as much as 100 times! The strategies in this focus on making millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of dollars playing lotto and lottery! 

Author Biography

Avery Cardoza, the world’s foremost authority on gambling and a million-selling author of more than 40 books and advanced strategies, is the founder of Cardoza Publishing (publisher of more than 200 gaming titles) and owner of the legendary Gambler’s Book Club in Las Vegas. Millions of gamblers have learned how to play and win money at gambling following his no-nonsense practical advice.

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