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In the Shadow of My Brother's Cold Blood: As Told to Linda Lebert-corbello, Phd

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-04-09
  • Publisher: Author Solutions
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List Price: $25.95 Save up to $0.78
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Dave Hickock never pulled the trigger of a gun or held a knife to murder another person, but he was sentenced to a lifetime of shame, ostracism, guilt, and psychological anguish because of the actions of one man-his brother. On November 15, 1959, Richard Hickock drove to a bus station in Kansas City and picked up Perry Smith, a prison buddy. Together, they drove to Emporia, Kansas, and purchased rubber gloves, nylon cord, and black stockings. Before day's end, four innocent members of the Clutter family in a town across the state of Kansas would have their throats slashed and Richard and his buddy would be arrested and charged with one of the most brutal and infamous murders ever. As the brother of a cold-blooded killer, Dave's life would never be the same. In this compelling narrative told to Linda LeBert-Corbello, Dave shares his journey from the depths of a family tragedy to how he eventually found the kind of inner-peace that accompanies acceptance of the truth and forgiveness. I do not just want to forget and live happily ever after. I want to be forgiven. -David Hickock

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