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The Simple Act of Reading

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-11-01
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Australia

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Joan London (Gilgamesh), Luke Davies (Candy), Kate Forsyth (The Witches of Eileanan), Andy Griffiths (The Day My Butt Went Psycho), David Malouf (Ransom), and many more contribute

This collection of essays and memoir pieces explores the topic of reading, in particular what it means for writers to be readers and how that has shaped their life. Contributors include Debra Adelaide, Joan London, Delia Falconer, Sunil Badami, Gabrielle Carey, Luke Davies, Tegan Bennett Daylight, Kate Forsyth, Giulia Giuffre, Andy Griffiths, Anita Heiss, Gail Jones, Jill Jones, Catherine Keenan, Malcolm Knox, Wayne Macauley, Fiona McFarlane, David Malouf, Rosie Scott, Carrie Tiffany and Geordie Williamson.

Author Biography

Debra Adelaide has worked as a researcher, freelance editor, and occasional book reviewer. Her novels include The Household Guide to Dying.

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