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Single State of the Union Single Women Speak Out on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-02-26
  • Publisher: Seal Press
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List Price: $21.99 Save up to $0.02
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Are single women happy individualists? Neurotic man-hunters? Crazed cat ladies? Are they confused, or content? Bitter, or better off? No one seems to know. 

The popular media gives us shoe shopaholics, ditzy desperados, wannabe brides forever making cow eyes at The Bachelor. But what do single women have to say about their own lives? With sass, humor, and style, Single State of the Union paints a provocative, playful, and complex portrait of today's single woman, taking on such topics as:

  • sex and the single girl
  • single motherhood
  • buying a house without a spouse
  • faux boyfriends
  • cohabitation hesitation
  • single women in the media.

Written by an impressive roster of single (and some formerly single) women, this collection portrays single women as individuals whose lives extend well beyond Match.com and Manolo Blahniks. So listen up, Carrie. Attention, Bridget. It's time for the rest of us to be heard.

Author Biography

Diane Mapes is the author of How to Date in a Post-Dating World (Sasquatch, 2006), a funny journalistic take on the traditional dating manual. Her satire and reported essays on dating, singles’ rights, television, travel, freak magnets, naked sushi, swingers, and more have appeared in Bust, Christian Science Monitor, Health, Los Angeles Times, MSNBC.com, Seattle Magazine, Seattle Times, and the Washington Post. Happily single, she lives in Seattle.

Table of Contents

Introduction : greetings from spinster island
How come a nice girl like you isn't married?
Single-mindedp. 3
How I dodged a reality show bulletp. 8
An open letter to mom, Deana, Mary, and the folks at workp. 19
I am getting marriedp. 24
You can't go home againp. 27
Marriage can wait
Cohabitation hesitationp. 41
Marriage ain't Prozacp. 47
Can a single woman really be happy without a soulmate?p. 57
Solitary refinementp. 62
The single girl
Faux boyfriendsp. 69
The taming of the shrewp. 74
What daughters dop. 78
The straight and nappyp. 84
The return on my investment has quadrupledp. 93
The great cookie offeringp. 99
Gold shoesp. 103
Sex and the single girl
Victoria's true secretp. 111
The streakp. 118
The wisdom of men-o-pausep. 125
Thunderp. 132
A work in progress : inside the mind (and bed) of a single sex columnistp. 139
Next is nowp. 147
Sex Edp. 157
Unwed mothers
Me and Ip. 167
Doctor, donor, desperadop. 175
Choosing single parenthood and a two-roof marriagep. 181
Single scapegoat seekingp. 189
I married adventure
Tangled up in wild bluep. 199
Postcard from the edgep. 205
Out of Africa, in Karen Blixen's footstepsp. 212
Me make fire for Lynnp. 217
Live alone and like it
The speechp. 225
Home alonep. 229
Single all the wayp. 235
Single blessednessp. 246
House without a spousep. 252
Life after deathp. 260
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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