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Be a Sloth & eat, sleep, eat repeat

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-03-05
  • Publisher: Spruce
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The ultimate guide to living life in the slow lane.
Sloth takes life at his own pace. He knows what makes him happy (naps, Netflix binges, a good banana) and what makes him unhappy (laundry day, the gym, people who don't recycle), and he makes sure his life is filled with more of the former than the latter. He is kind to his environment, but, just as importantly, he is kind to himself.

Be like Sloth, and you'll discover the secret to escaping the rat race and living a happy life in the slow lane.

A fun little gift book full of cute, hilarious and inspirational sloth mantras.

Author Biography

Sarah Ford is a writer and publisher with a love of cocktails, coffee and animals... mythical or otherwise. She lives in the Cotswolds, but works in London, travelling back and forth on a unicorn.

Anita Mangan is a graphic designer and illustrator living, working and breathing in London. She has made a career out of being silly and has recently developed cloven hoofs.

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