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Social Psychology

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 10th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-11-16
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
  • View Upgraded Edition

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Reflecting your students and their world.How many of the students in your Social Psychology course are Psychology majors? Business? Sociology? Education? In the 10th edition ofSocial Psychology, David Myers once again weaves an inviting and compelling narrative that speaks to ALL of your students regardless of background or intended major. Through examples and applications as well as marginal quotations from across the breadth of the liberal arts and sciences, Myers draws students into the field of social psychology. At the same time, Myers is also in tune with the ever-changing state of social psychology research. Boasting over 650 new citations in the 10th edition,Social Psychologyis as current as it is captivating. Research Close-Up and Inside Story features throughout the book provide deeper exposure to key research and researchers. Marginal quotations, examples and applications throughout each chapter, and the concluding "Applying Social Psychology" chapters all ensure that regardless of your students' interests and future plans, Social Psychology will engage them. This 10th edition also features the contributions of Jean Twenge, author ofGeneration MeandThe Narcissism Epidemic, further bolstering the direct connection to today's students.

Table of Contents

Introducing Social Psychology
What is social psychology?
Social psychology's big ideas
Social psychology and human values
I knew it all along: Is social psychology simply common sense?
Research methods: How we do social psychology
Postscript: Why I wrote this book
Social Thinking
The Self in a Social World
Spotlights and Illusions
Self-concept: Who am I?
Perceived self-control
Self-serving bias
Postscript: Twin truths-The perils of pride, the powers of positive thinking
Social Beliefs and Judgments
Perceiving our social worlds
Judging our social world
Explaining our social world
Expectations of our social world
Postscript: Reflecting on illusory thinking
Behavior and Attitudes
How well do our attitudes predict our behavior?
When does our behavior affect our attitudes?
Why does our behavior affect our attitudes?
Postscript: Changing ourselves through action
Social Influence
Genes, Culture, and Gender
How are we influenced by human nature and cultural diversity?
How are gender similarities and differences explained?
Evolution and gender: Doing what comes naturally?
Culture and gender: Doing as the culture says?
What can we conclude about genes, culture, and gender?
Postscript: Should we view ourselves as products or architects of our social worlds?
Conformity and Obedience
What is conformity?
What are the classic conformity and obedience studies?
What predicts conformity?
Why conform?
Who conforms?
Do we ever want to be different?
Postscript: On being an individual within community
What paths lead to persuasion?
What are the elements of persuasion?
Extreme persuasion: How do cults indoctrinate?
How can persuasion be resisted?
Postscript: Being open but not naïve
Group Influence
What is a group?
Social facilitation: How are we affected by the presence of others?
Social loafing: Do individuals exert less effort in a group?
Deindividuation: When do people lose their sense of self in groups?
Group polarization: Do groups intensify our opinions?
Groupthink: Do groups hinder or assist good decisions?
The influence of the minority: How do individuals influence the group?
Postscript: Are groups bad for us?
Social Relations
Prejudice: Disliking others
What is the nature and power of prejudice?
What are the social sources of prejudice?
What are the motivational sources of prejudice?
What are the cognitive sources of prejudice?
What are the consequences of prejudice?
Postscript: Can we reduce prejudice?
Aggression: Hurting Others
What is aggression?
What are some theories of aggression?
What are some influences on aggression?
How can aggression be reduced?
Postscript: Reforming a violent culture
Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others
What leads to friendship and attraction?
What is love?
What enables close relationships?
How do relationships end?
Postscript: Making love
Why do we help?
When will we help?
Who will help?
How can we increase helping?
Postscript: Taking social psychology into life
Conflict and Peacemaking
What creates conflict?
How can peace be achieved?
Postscript: The conflict between individual and communal rights
Applying Social Psychology
Social Psychology in the Clinic
What influences the accuracy of clinical judgments?
What cognitive processes accompany behavior problems?
What are some social-psychological approaches to treatment?
How do social relationships support health and well-being?
Postscript: Enhancing happiness
Social Psychology in Court
How reliable is eyewitness testimony?
What other factors influence juror judgments?
What influences the individual juror?
How do group influences affect juries?
Postscript: Thinking smart with psychological science
Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future
An environmental call to action
Enabling sustainable living
The social psychology of materialism and wealth
Postscript: How does one live responsibly in the modern world?
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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