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Sparks China's Underground Historians and their Battle for the Future

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2023-09-26
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Using history to challenge Communist Party rule.

Sparks: China's Underground Historians and their Battle for the Future describes how some of China's best-known writers, filmmakers, and artists have overcome crackdowns and censorship to forge a nationwide movement that challenges the Communist Party on its most hallowed ground: its control of history.

The past is a battleground in many countries, but in China it is crucial to political power. In traditional China, dynasties rewrote history to justify their rule by proving that their predecessors were unworthy of holding power. Marxism gave this a modern gloss, describing history as an unstoppable force heading toward Communism's triumph. The Chinese Communist Party builds on these ideas to whitewash its misdeeds and glorify its rule. Indeed, one of Xi Jinping's signature policies is the control of history, which he equates with the party's survival.

But in recent years, a network of independent writers, artists, and filmmakers have begun challenging this state-led disremembering. Using digital technologies to bypass China's legendary surveillance state, their samizdat journals, guerilla media posts, and underground films document a regular pattern of disasters: from famines and purges of years past to ethnic clashes and virus outbreaks of the present--powerful and inspiring accounts that have underpinned recent protests in China against Xi Jinping's strongman rule.

Based on years of first-hand research in Xi Jinping's China, Sparks challenges stereotypes of a China where the state has quashed all free thought, revealing instead a country engaged in one of humanity's great struggles of memory against forgetting—a battle that will shape the China that emerges in the mid-21st century.

Author Biography

Ian Johnson lived more than twenty years in China as a student, journalist, and teacher. His work appears regularly in The New York Review of Books, The New York Times, and other publications, and for five years he was a consulting editor at The Journal of Asian Studies. He has won numerous prizes for his coverage of China, including a Pulitzer Prize, and Stanford University's Shorenstein Journalism Award. His work has been supported by the Open Society Foundation, the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting, the Robert B. Silvers Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholars Program.

Table of Contents


PART I The Past
1. Introduction: The Landscape of Memory
The Hexi Corridor
2. The Ditch
Facing Walls
3. The Sacrifice
Bamboo Strips
4. Spark
5. History as Weapon
How the Red Sun Rose
6. History as Myth
The National Museum

PART II The Present
7. The Limits of Amnesia
The Ma Family Mansion
8. I Know I Know Nothing
Snow's Visit
9. The Gateway
10. Remembrance
Tie Liu's Cafe
11. Lay Down Your Butcher's Knife!
Videoing China's Villages

PART III The Future
12. Virus
Soft Burial
13. Empire
The Empty Warehouses
14. The Land of Hermits
15. Conclusion: Learning to Walk Underground

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