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Speaking Relationally Culture, Communication, and Interpersonal Connection

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1998-01-30
  • Publisher: The Guilford Press
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List Price: $36.27


Deepening our understanding of the social context of interpersonal interaction, this book examines the communication practices through which members of a particular culture construct and maintain their relationships. The author presents an ethnographic case study of urban, largely middle-class Colombians, taking a close look at interactional practices and speech patterns in a range of everyday settings--from schools, workplaces, and social service agencies, to gatherings of family and friends. In focusing on a context outside of North America and Europe, the book sheds light on cultural assumptions about personhood, relationships, and communication that often remain unexamined in the literature. A compelling epilogue offers a more personal glimpse of Colombian culture and probes both the rewards and the limitations of the ethnographic approach.

Author Biography

Kristine L. Fitch, PhD, is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa.

Table of Contents

Introductionp. 1
A Broad View of Personal Relationships: Relational Idealsp. 13
An Ethnographic Approach to Personal Relationshipsp. 15
Relational Idealsp. 25
Personal Addressp. 34
Five Categories of Address Termsp. 35
Speech Events with Namesp. 45
Directives: Requests and Commandsp. 69
Directive Speech Eventsp. 74
Four Rules of Directive Performancep. 92
Palanca: A Narrative Genrep. 96
Palanca Narratives from Everyday Talkp. 97
Speech Events Associated with Palancap. 103
Palanca as a Cultural Mythp. 112
Conclusionp. 121
Friends, Family, and Workmates: A Situated Enactment of a Personal Relationshipp. 122
Friends, Family, and Workmates: Mariela and Josefinap. 123
Relational Codesp. 141
"A Set of Bonds to Others": Elaborating an Ideology of Connectednessp. 146
Dilemma #1: Sincerity versus Appropriatenessp. 152
Dilemma #2: Conflict between Vinculosp. 160
Dilemma #3: Confianza versus Authority/Respectp. 164
Dilemma #4: Being Verraca in a Machista Societyp. 168
Cultural Dilemmas as Relational Dialecticsp. 172
Colombian Relational Dialecticsp. 175
Personal Relationships in Comparative Perspectivep. 180
Interpersonal Ideologyp. 182
A Comparative Glance at Power in Interpersonal Ideologyp. 187
Epilogue - Connections: A Death Foretoldp. 195
App.: Master List of Address Termsp. 218
Referencesp. 220
Author Indexp. 229
Subject Indexp. 233
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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