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Part One: About Reading
1. The Starting Point Check Your Normal Reading Speed and Comprehension
Self Test 1 The Intelligence War
2. Reading A New Definition
3. The Common Reading Problems Subvocalisation, Finger-Pointing, Regression and Back-Skipping New Approaches to Overcoming Them
Self Test 2 Introduction to Psychology
4. Improving Your Concentration and Increasing Your Comprehension
Part Two: Your Amazing Eyes
5. Gaining Control of Your Eye Movements to Increase Your Speed and Comprehension
6. Guiding the Eyes A New Speed and Range Reading Technique
7. Eye-Deal External and Internal Environmental Range Reading Conditions
Self Test 3 Methods of Science
8. Developing Advanced Skimming and Scanning Skills
9. Meta-Guiding Towards 'Photographic Memory' Reading Levels
Self Test 4 History
Part Three: Developing Advanced Range Reading Skills
10. Keeping the Beat Multiplying Your Speed by the New Metronome Training Method
Self Test 5 The Major Musical Instruments
11. Mind Mapping A New Dimension in Thinking and Note-Taking
12. Using Knowledge of Paragraph Structure to Increase Speed and Comprehension
13. Previewing Your Mental Reconnaissance
Self Test 6 Art Primitive to Christian
14. Developing Your Mastermind Vocabulary (I) Prefixes and Exercises
15. Developing Your Mastermind Vocabulary (II) Suffixes and Exercises
16. Developing Your Mastermind Vocabulary (III) Roots and Exercises
Part Four: Using Your Eye/Brain Systems Applications
17. The Mind Map Organic Study Technique (MMOST) How to Prepare
Self Test 7 Art Gothic to National Schools
18. Getting Control of Your Newspapers
Self Test 8 Astronomy
19. The Logic of Logic
20. Getting the Full Value from Literature and Poetry
Self Test 9 The History of Communications
21. Creating Your Knowledge File Your Brain's External Data Bank
22. What You Have Accomplished So Far Your Extraordinary Possibilities For the Future
Self Test 10 The Enchanted Loom Your Brain
Self Test Answers
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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.