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Statistics in Plain English, 2nd Edition

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-02-22
  • Publisher: Lawrence Erlbau
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List Price: $32.50


Statistics in Plain English, 2/eprovides a brief, simple overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to interpret them correctly. It presents brief explanations of statistical concepts and techniques in simple, everyday language. Each self-contained chapter consists of three sections. The first describes the statistic, including how it is used and what information it provides. The second section reviews how it works, how to calculate the formula, the strengths and weaknesses of the technique, and the conditions needed for its use. The final section provides examples that use and interpret the statistic. A glossary of terms and symbols is also included. New features in the second edition include: * an interactive CD with PowerPoint presentations and problems for each chapter including an overview of the problem's solution; * New chapters on basic research concepts including sampling, definitions of different types of variables, and basic research designs and one on nonparametric statistics; *More graphs and more precise descriptions of each statistic; and * A discussion of confidence intervals. This brief paperback is an ideal supplement for statistics, research methods, courses that use statistics, or as a reference tool to refresh one's memory about key concepts. The actual research examples are from psychology, education, and other social and behavioral sciences.

Author Biography

Tim Urdan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Santa Clara University.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Social Science Research and Terminology
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Variability
The Normal Distribution
Standardization andzScores
Standard Errors
Statistical Significance, Effect Size, and Confidence Intervals
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Factorial Analysis of Variance
Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance
The Chi Square Test of Independence
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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