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Study Guide and Selected Solutions Manual for Chemistry An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 13th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-07-10
  • Publisher: Pearson
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List Price: $153.32 Save up to $0.77
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The Study Guide and Selected Solutions Manual as written specifically to assist students using Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. It contains learning objectives, chapter outlines, additional problems with self-tests and answers, and answers to the odd-numbered problems in the text.

Author Biography

About our author

Karen Timberlake is Professor Emerita of Chemistry at Los Angeles Valley College, where she taught chemistry for allied health and preparatory chemistry for 36 years. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the University of Washington and her Master's Degree in Biochemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles.

Professor Timberlake has been writing chemistry textbooks for 40 years. During that time, her name has become associated with the strategic use of pedagogical tools that promote student success in chemistry and the application of chemistry to real-life situations. More than one million students have learned chemistry using texts, laboratory manuals, and study guides written by Karen Timberlake.

Professor Timberlake belongs to numerous scientific and educational organizations including the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). She has been the Western Regional Winner of Excellence in College Chemistry Teaching Award given by the Chemical Manufacturers Association. She received the McGuffey Award in Physical Sciences from the Textbook Authors' Association for her textbook Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 8th Edition, which has demonstrated her excellence over time. She received the "Texty" Textbook Excellence Award from the Textbook Authors' Association for the 1st Edition of Basic Chemistry. She has participated in education grants for science teaching including the Los Angeles Collaborative for Teaching Excellence (LACTE) and a Title III grant at her college. She speaks at conferences and educational meetings on the use of student-centered teaching methods in chemistry to promote the learning success of students.

When Professor Timberlake is not writing textbooks, she and her husband relax by playing tennis, ballroom dancing, traveling, trying new restaurants, cooking, and taking care of their grandchildren, Daniel and Emily.

Table of Contents

1. Chemistry in Our Lives

2. Chemistry and Measurements

3. Matter and Energy

4. Atoms and Elements

5. Nuclear Chemistry

6. Ionic and Molecular Compounds

7. Chemical Quantities and Reactions

8. Gases

9. Solutions

10. Acids and Bases and Equilibrium

11. Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons

12. Alcohols, Thiols, Ethers, Aldehydes, and Ketones

13. Carbohydrates

14. Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amines, and Amides

15. Lipids

16. Amino Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes

17. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

18. Metabolic Pathways and Energy Production

Supplemental Materials

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