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Substance Use Counseling Theory and Practice

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 6th
  • Copyright: 2017-04-11
  • Publisher: PEARSO
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In this widely popular guide, future and practicing clinicians and counselors get a sound base of knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and practical help for working with clients who are misusing or abusing these drugs. Now updated to cover the changing substance abuse problems in our nation and around the world, Substance Abuse Counseling, 6/e  by Stevens and Smith includes informative case studies and includes individual chapters on special populations and the health disparities related to substance abuse among minorities.

Author Biography

Dr. Patricia W. Stevens is a retired Counselor Educator currently in clinical private practice in Louisville, CO. She trains student counselors through online teaching. Dr. Stevens also consults with universities in program development and accreditation (CACREP, NCATE/CAEP).

Dr. Stevens is a member of ACA, AAMFT, and served on the CACREP board for eight years. She has held multiple leadership positions in ACA and its divisions, including President of the IAMFC, Board-Member-at-Large of AACD, and Co-Chair of the Professional Standards Committee. Dr. Stevens has also served on several editorial boards of ACA and its divisions. Though retired, she continues to be active in the profession and her clinical work. 

Through the years she has delivered more than 70 presentations at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels in the areas of substance abuse, gender implications in counseling, challenges of aging, and ethical/ legal issues in counseling. In the counseling field, she has published more than 50 articles, chapters, and books. Dr. Stevens has prepared and taught more than 26 different courses in the counseling curriculum.

Dr. Stevens is a Fulbright Scholar and works with the Red Cross as a Mental Health Disaster Relief volunteer. She volunteers at her local Red Cross and her local senior center.

Robert L. Smith, Ph.D., FPPR, is Professor & Chair of the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department, as well as the Doctoral Program Coordinator at Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. As a licensed psychologist, he has worked as a private practitioner in addition to serving as the chair of three counselor education programs. He is the author of several books and more than 80 professional articles. He serves as the Executive Director and co-founder of the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. He is also the founder of the National Credentialing Academy for Family Therapists. His research interests include the efficacy of treatment modalities in individual psychotherapy, family therapy, and substance abuse counseling. He is a Diplomate-Fellow in Psychopharmacology with the International College of Prescribing Psychologists and consultant with the Substance Abuse Program in the U. S. Navy. Dr. Smith as an international lecturer is currently involved in the development and implementation of graduate programs in counseling and psychology in Latin America.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Substance Use Disorder Counseling

2. Ethical and Legal Issues in Substance Use Disorder Counseling

3. The Major Substances of Use and Their Effect on the Brain and Body

4. Etiology of Substance Abuse: Why People Use

5. Assessment and Diagnosis

6. Treatment Planning and Treatment Settings

7. Individual Treatment

8. Group Counseling for Substance Use Disorders

9. Family Counseling with Individuals Diagnosed with Substance Use Disorder

10. Retaining Sobriety: Relapse Prevention Strategies

11. Working with Special Populations: Treatment Issues and Characteristics

12. Working with Diverse Cultures: Exploring Sociocultural Influences and Realities in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Prevention

13. Prevention

14. Behavioral Addictions/Non—Substance-Related Disorders: An Overview

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