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Surveying the Religious Landscape : Trends in U. S. Beliefs

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2000-01-01
  • Publisher: Abingdon Pr
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List Price: $18.95


These surveys will appeal to those who track religion professionally, but they will also be of interest to clergy, church members, and others interested in the spiritual landscape of today. A wide variety of beliefs and practices are surveyed including: belief in God, attendance at church or synagogue, religious beliefs of today's teenagers, views about the interaction between politics and religion, life after death, questions of ethics, and others. Surveys address the differences in beliefs among those of various faith perspectives, races, age groups, genders, and those in varying geographic locations.

Table of Contents

Graphs and Tables
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1(6)
Religion and Trends
Religion and Beliefs
Religion and Practice
Religion and Experience
Religion and Attitudes toward the Church
Religion and Ethics
Religion and Society
Religion and Youth
Notes 165(2)
Appendix 167

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