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Tangled Up in Red, White, and Blue New Social Movements in America

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2001-01-10
  • Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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List Price: $53.00


In Tangled Up in Red, White, and Blue, Christine Kelly examines the role that progressive social movements might play in the recovery and expansion of democracy and justice in the new millennium. Kelly simultaneously combines an analysis of several modernization theses with a unique sense of the way that the American ideological and institutional context has shaped progressive social movements, for better and worse, in our era. Kelly candidly confronts contemporary American radicalism from the perspective of a movement participant-included is a rare treatment of the 1980's student movement- but with an eye on the future. Tangled Up in Red, White, and Blue is a bold and sophisticated study combining the frequently divorced interests of political theory, institutional analysis and social movement studies-both European and American.

Table of Contents

Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Part One: Theory and Social Movements 1(68)
New Social Movements and Modernity: Continuity or Rupture?
Reason, Politics, and Social Movements
Part Two: Social Movements and the American Context 69(86)
Locke, Stock, and Barricades
Interest-Group Liberalism and the Rise of Cultural Politics: Strategy v. Identity
Dis-Unity and New Social Movements: A Look at the 1980s Student Movement in the United States
Part Three: Conclusions 155(20)
Prospects for a More Reflexive Movement Ideology
Bibliography 175(8)
Index 183(12)
About the Author 195

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