Author's Note | p. vii |
Introduction | p. 1 |
Capturing the Wind | p. 23 |
Clean power that's more reliable than you'd think | |
Solar Energy | p. 55 |
Enough to power the world many times over | |
Electricity from the Oceans | p. 83 |
Tapping tides, waves, and currents | |
Combined Heat and Power | p. 109 |
Fuel cells and district heating | |
Super-Efficient Homes | p. 129 |
Passivhaus and eco-renovations | |
Electric Cars | p. 151 |
The inevitable switch to battery propulsion | |
Motor Fuels from Cellulose | p. 175 |
Second-generation biofuels | |
Capturing Carbon | p. 199 |
Clean coal, algae, and ambient scrubbers | |
Biochar | p. 225 |
Sequestering carbon as charcoal | |
Soils and Forests | p. 249 |
Improving the planet's carbon sinks | |
Putting it all Together | p. 273 |
Are the ten technologies enough to save the planet? | |
Epilogue | p. 285 |
Notes | p. 301 |
Index | p. 303 |
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved. |
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