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Theological Theology Essays in Honour of John Webster

by ; ;
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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-08-27
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury T&T Clark
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The areas of discussion include the nature and method of theology, Scripture and its interpretation, Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity, moral theology, and the reading and use of theological dialogue partners. The essays are written by eminent systematic theologians, theological ethicists, and biblical scholars from a wide range of Christian traditions.

The contributors to this volume appraise, extend and apply different aspects of the conception of "theological theology". That theology should in fact be thoroughly theological means that theological discourse gains little by conforming to the canons of inquiry that govern other disciplines; it should rather focus its attention on its own unique subject, God and all things in relation to God, and should follow procedures that allow it to access and bear witness to these realities.

Author Biography

R. David Nelson is Acquisitions Editor for Baker Academic & Brazos Press, USA.

Darren Sarisky received his PhD from King's College Aberdeen, UK. He currently holds a position as Junior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK where he also teaches Christian Doctrine.

Justin Stratis is Director of Postgraduate Research and Tutor in Christian Doctrine, Trinity College Bristol, UK.

Table of Contents


Part I - Nature and Method of Theology
1. The role of Historical Theology in Systematics - Lewis Ayres, University of Durham, UK
2. Contribution from Tom Greggs - University of Aberdeen, UK
3. Contribution from Kathryn Tanner - Yale Divinity School, USA

Part II - Scripture and its Interpretation
4. The Fourfold Gospel and Divine Action - Francis Watson, University of Durham UK
5. The Metaphysics and Ethics of Scriptural Interpretation - Darren Sarisky, University of Cambridge, UK
6. The Theology of Scripture - Don Wood, University of Aberdeen, UK

Part III - Christology and the Doctrine of the Trinity
7. God - Wolf Krötke, formerly at the Humboldt University, Germany
8. Creation - Kate Sonderegger, Virginia Theological Seminary, USA
9. Ascension or Providence - David Fergusson, University of Edinburgh, UK
10. De Esse et Essentia - Robert Jenson, Center for Theological Inquiry, USA
11. Creation - Justin Stratis, Trinity College Bristol, UK
12. Trinity - Rowan Williams, University of Cambridge, UK
13. God or Creation and Fall - Matthew Levering, Duke University, USA
14. TBC, Kevin Vanhoozer, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA
15. TBC, George Newlands, University of Glasgow, UK
16. Christology and Ecclesiology - R. David Nelson, Baker Academic & Brazos Press, USA

Part IV - Moral Theology
17. TBC, Bernd Wannenwetsch, University of Aberdeen, UK
18. Holiness - Stanley Hauerwas, Duke University, USA
19. TBC - Oliver O'Donovan, University of Edinburgh, UK

Part V - The Reading and Use of Theological Dialogue Partners
20. TBC, Bruce McCormack, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA
21. The Influence of Aristotle on Thomas Aquinas's Christology
22. Hermeneutics and Dialogue with Culture, Christoph Schwöbel, University of Tübingen, Germany
23. TBC, Ivor Davidson, University of St Andrews, UK

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