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Think, Feel and Grow Rich

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-12-20
  • Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub

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I want to share with you a secret... it's the secret to success, wealth, and heavenly riches. This secret is based on Napoleon Hill's original manuscript of his classic book, "Think, and Grow Rich". Hill wrote this masterpiece after spending many years studying the most successful men of his time; these men included Andrew Carnegie, George Eastman, Woodrow Wilson, F. W. Woolworth, and many others. Hill discovered that there were 13 basic principles that all of the wealthiest men had in common. Of course his original book has been republished, revised, and edited - and then I discovered the original manuscript - the inspiration and basis for this book. It was in the original manuscript that I finally uncovered Napoleon's "hidden secret". In the original manuscript he had the word "vibration" written 37 times, yet the edited version took all of them out and this was the missing secret. I was inspired to write the book as Napoleon left out one main point about our feelings and how they vibrate to communicate with our Source/God and thus bringing us all of our desires.I spent countless hours poring over the original manuscript and adding additional instruction to teach you how to harness these vibrations - aka FEELINGS! So that you too, can learn how to think, FEEL, and grow rich.

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