This is the true story of Tiger, a six day old orphan kitten was raised by hand. Ginger, our rescue dog was a big influence in Tiger's life. She taught him everything he needed to know to become a good guard cat/dog. Tiger truly believed it was his duty to defend our country home.
Tiger's survivals:
A near drowning by a muskrat.
A terrifying 10 mile ride in the motor of a pick-up in freezing winter temperature.
Being snatched by a fox.
Encounters with feral cats.
Multiple surgeries and recuperation's as result of his adventures.
Tiger was no ordinary cat; he enjoyed his morning coffee. He loved to be around running water in every house we lived in and when we moved to the lake, he would take a cool, short swim with our Springer Spaniel on very hot days.
Tiger loved most of the children, however he definitely had his favorite friends that he liked to play with and act like a clown. Other visitors did not fare so well, that's when the cat was on duty.
Readers of all ages and all cat and dog lovers will enjoy this most delightful true adventure.