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Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice Doing What Works

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-06-23
  • Publisher: The Guilford Press
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List Price: $40.53


This book has been replaced by Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-5086-9.

Author Biography

Arnold M. Washton, PhD, is Executive Director of Recovery Options, a private practice in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey, dedicated to treating alcohol and drug problems in professionals and executives. He also serves as Clinical Director of The Retreat at Princeton, an inpatient substance abuse treatment program at Princeton House Behavioral Health and the University Medical Center at Princeton. An internationally known addiction psychologist and widely published author, Dr. Washton has specialized in treating substance abuse and related mental health problems since 1975.


Joan E. Zweben, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with over 35 years of experience in treating addiction and in training treatment practitioners. These practitioners include peer counselors, social workers, marriage and family counselors, psychologists, criminal justice personnel, nurses, and physicians. She has a broad-based background in treatment of both alcoholism and drug dependence and has experience with both residential and outpatient modalities. She has served on numerous work groups focused on policy issues. Dr. Zweben is Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. She is also the founder and Executive Director of the 14th Street Clinic (1979-2007) and the East Bay Community Recovery Project (1989-present). Through these organizations, she has collaborated with researchers locally and nationally since 1981. She is the author of 4 books and over 55 articles or book chapters and editor of 15 monographs on treating addiction.

Table of Contents

Basic Issues and Perspectives
Introductionp. 3
Nature, Course, and Diagnosis of Substance Use Disordersp. 22
Pharmacology and Overview of Psychoactive Substancesp. 41
Ingredients of the Integrated Approach: Doing What Worksp. 72
Considerations in Addressing Concurrent Psychiatric and Substance Use Disordersp. 91
The Role of Medicationsp. 103
Clinical Strategies and Techniques
Assessmentp. 123
Individualized Goal Setting and Treatment Planning: Meeting Patients "Where They Are"p. 159
Taking Actionp. 184
Preventing Relapsep. 206
Psychotherapy in Ongoing and Later-Stage Recoveryp. 232
Group Therapyp. 241
Facilitating Participation in Self-Help Programsp. 258
Self-Administered Patient Questionnairep. 269
10 Tips for Cutting Down on Your Drinkingp. 277
Inventory of "Triggers" for Alcohol and Drug Usep. 279
Substance Abuse Websitesp. 281
Referencesp. 287
Indexp. 299
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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