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The Uncommon Wisdom of Ronald Reagan A Portrait in His Own Words

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1996-07-01
  • Publisher: Little, Brown and Company

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Witty, candid, and full of hope for the future, Ronald Reagan was known as "The Great Communicator," a reputation confirmed in The Uncommon Wisdom of Ronald Reagan, a remarkable collection of quotations that articulates his abiding convictions and unwavering commitment to American principles. These pages bring Ronald Reagan vividly to life in his own words, visiting the milestones of his career from his early days as an actor in radio, television, and films to his political years, first as governor of California and ultimately as President of the United States. Reagan also speaks openly about his personal life: his family, his childhood, his marriage, and his thoughts on what it meant to be a leader during a difficult age.

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