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Understanding Victimology: Selected Readings

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1999-06-01
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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List Price: $32.95


Presents in-depth selections by some of the foremost victimological researchers and policy analysts on primary areas addressed in most victimology courses. Accompanying each section are introductory overview materials, related learning experiences and questions for students, and bibliographical materials for further research. Selections represent a balance of sometimes conflicting viewpoints regarding victimology and the victim's movement. The editor teaches criminal justice at the University of North Texas.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. v
Victimology and the Victims' Movementp. 1
Victimology Today: Major Issues in Research and Public Policyp. 9
Prologue: On Some Visible and Hidden Dangers of Victim Movementsp. 23
Homicidep. 35
Stranger Homicides in Nine American Citiesp. 43
The Homicides of Children and Youth: A Developmental Perspectivep. 63
Sexual Assaultp. 89
The Psychological Impact of Rapep. 97
A Contemporary Look at the Effects of Rape Law Reform: How Far Have We Really Come?p. 129
Family Violencep. 149
Physical Violence in American Families: Incidence Rates, Causes, and Trendsp. 159
Future Directions for Criminal Justice Policy on Domestic Violencep. 177
Property Crimesp. 197
Are All Victims Alike? The Adverse, Generalized and Differential Impact of Crimep. 203
Victimization of Persons by Fraudp. 217
The Victim's Role in the American Criminal Justice Processp. 235
United States Crime Victim Assistance: History, Organization and Evaluationp. 247
Victims' Perceptions of Criminal Justicep. 261
Victim Impact Statements and Victim Satisfaction: An Unfulfilled Promise?p. 269
Restorative Justice: Justice That Promotes Healingp. 287
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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