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The Universal Circle of Return Creating Your Future through "Seed Feelings"

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2023-05-22
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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"The Universal Circle of Return" is a life-changing guide that will help you create the future that you want and deserve. You create your future reality by choosing the feelings you embrace and by sowing the seeds of those feelings in the ground of your day-to-day life. Get ready to plant these seeds, nurture them, and experience the change you've been seeking!

What kind of future can you manifest by learning how to harness the creative power of your feelings?

All of life operates on the principle of seedtime and harvest. And every seed produces after its own kind. The feelings you cultivate within yourself today are the seeds from which your future experiences will sprout and grow. You cannot bring old feelings with you into new places and opportunities and expect there to be change.

The key is to learn how to create and master the feelings that will, in turn, bring the scenarios and experiences that match them into your future. This is the "Universal Circle of Return". Like a river, the Universal Circle of Return faithfully delivers back to you the dominant feelings you give it to work with—so do whatever it takes to saturate the river of your life stream with the feelings you wish to enjoy upon their return.

Author Biography

John Morse is a mentor, speaker, humanitarian, and a natural-born entertainer. Deemed a "stirring stick" of life, he is driven by a mission to elevate others by "stirring up the feelings of life within!" Having evolved through serious life-altering challenges, John realized the immense transformative power of working creatively with feelings and emotions. His own psychospiritual growth led him to teach others how to manifest their desired outcomes through the intentional planting of "seed feelings." He is a creative free spirit who believes in celebrating diversity and supporting the individual journey of self-expression for every person. His message focuses on the interconnection of all things and encourages us to see ourselves as co-creators in the continual evolution of love consciousness. He views every person's journey and experience of life as equally valuable and important to the advancement of the whole, regardless of how different or contrary our paths may appear.

In John's words, "Keep stirring it up!"

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