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Value Pack Listening Power 3 Student Book and Classroom Audio CD

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Package
  • Copyright: 2011-01-14
  • Publisher: Pearson Education ESL

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This Value Pack consists of the Listening Power 3 Student Book and the Listening Power 3 Classroom Audio CD.  


Listening Power is a new three-book series with a targeted approach to teaching the listening skills that students need inside and outside the classroom and on standardized tests such as the TOEFL and TOEIC.


Listening Power 3 features four distinct parts designed to be used concurrently.

  • Language Focus teaches essential and sometimes difficult advanced-level skills such as reduced forms, patterns of intonation, and idiomatic expressions.
  • Comprehension Focus presents skills for understanding main ideas, supporting ideas, and details; making inferences, distinguishing facts and opinions; and recognizing organizational patterns. Activities to help students apply the skills follow the presentation.
  • Note-Taking Skills teaches students how to identify important words and information. This section also presents helpful techniques such as use of abbreviations, symbols, and formatting.
  • Listening for Pleasure uses interesting audio material from movies, TV, radio, and recorded storytelling to help students understand the more subtle meaning communicated through tone of voice, sentence stress, and reduced forms.

0132626489 / 9780132626484 Value Pack: Listening Power 3 Student Book and Classroom Audio CD

Package consists of

0132315440 / 9780132315449 Listening Power 3 Audio CD

0136114288 / 9780136114284 Listening Power 3


Table of Contents


Part 1    Language Focus


Unit 1    Understanding Reduced Forms

Unit 2    Understanding Intonation

Unit 3    Understanding Idioms



Part 2    Comprehension Focus


Building Skills

    Unit 1    Listening for Main Ideas, Supporting Ideas, and Details

    Unit 2    Making Inferences

    Unit 3    Distinguishing Facts and Opinions

    Unit 4    Understanding Patterns of Organization


Applying Skills

    Unit 5    What's Up? McArthur's Universal Corrective Map

    Unit 6    Aha! Moments

    Unit 7    To the Bottom of the World ... by Tractor



Part 3    Note-Taking Skills


Building Skills

    Unit 1    Organizing your Notes

    Unit 2    Omitting Unnecessary Words

    Unit 3    Using Abbreviations and Symbols

    Unit 4    Determining What's Important


Applying Skills

    Unit 5    Evaluating Your Notes

    Unit 6    Note-Taking Practice



Part 4    Listening for Pleasure


Unit 1    Comedy Routine: Lucky Jack at the Laugh Factory

Unit 2    A Radio Play -- the Crimson Parrot: The Glory of the Seas



Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

The New copy of this book will include any supplemental materials advertised. Please check the title of the book to determine if it should include any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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