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Victimology and Criminal Law Crime Precipitated or Programmed by the Victim

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-12-07
  • Publisher: UPA
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List Price: $49.99


Victimology and Criminal Law is a major contribution to the development and the influence of victimology in the world. In certain concrete situations, one must consider not only the perpetrator of the crime, but that the victim, even though presumably innocent, may have the sensation of being an intruder. In this book, Professor Edmundo Oliveira offers a clear and comprehensive overview of the historical, conceptual, legal, and practice oriented aspects of victimology. He specifically focuses on psychology and penal law as they relate to the survivor of the crime, by highlighting themes of personal blame, provocation, participation and diminished responsibility. The path of victimization is fully analyzed in detail within this study. Victimologists and criminologists dedicate themselves to studying the polemical, controversial challenges and intense issues raised by delinquency as a whole. This book is a significant advance, emphasizing a different role for the victim. Academics, practitioners, law students, and professionals will find this book useful as a springboard for enlightening debates that will lead to new approaches on intervention for survivors of crime.

Author Biography

Edmundo Oliveira is a native of Brazil and an internationally recognized Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology. He is a member of the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation and is the Scientific Consultant of the European Institute of the United Nations for Crime Prevention and Control. Professor Oliveira is a complete Jurist who is committed to offering important contributions to the Science of Law

Table of Contents

Prefacep. ix
Introductionp. xiii
Historical Foundationsp. 1
Theoretical Presuppositions in Victimologyp. 1
The Victim and the Criminal Phenomenonp. 3
Selective Nature of Sentiment in Victimologyp. 5
The Stockholm Syndromep. 7
The Special Case of a Kidnapping Victim with a Diagnosis of Stockholm Syndromep. 11
Stereotype of Delinquent/Victim Interactionp. 15
Victimodogmaticsp. 18
Tendency or Inclination towards Crimep. 21
The Initial Conception Regarding a Personal Tendency towards Crimep. 21
The Formation of the Judicial Structure of the Delinquent Due to Tendencyp. 23
Implications of the Judicial Essence of the Delinquent Due to Tendency for Criminology and for Victimologyp. 27
Human Behavior in Life of New Approaches Involving Science and Spirituality: Transpersonal Psychology, Spiritist Doctrine and Neurolinguisticsp. 28
The Penal Pairing and the Criminal Pairingp. 35
The Study of Personalityp. 45
Backgroundp. 45
Concept of Personalityp. 46
Constitution of the Personalityp. 47
Influence of Physical Factors on Psychismp. 49
Influence of Psychic Factors on the Physical Statep. 50
The Temperamentp. 52
Characterp. 54
Personality Disturbances Associated to Dangerousness of the Victimp. 57
Psychopathic Personalitiesp. 58
Sexual Deviancyp. 62
Alcoholismp. 64
Drug Dependencyp. 65
The Victimogenous Core of the Victim's Personalityp. 67
Understanding the Victimogenous Corep. 68
Origin of the Guilt Feelingp. 72
The Victimological Examinationp. 77
Purpose of the Victimological Examinationp. 77
Convenience of the Victimological Examinationp. 78
Legitimacy of the Victimological Examinationp. 78
Usefulness of the Victimological Examinationp. 79
Scope of the Victimological Examinationp. 79
The Iter Victimae-The Path to Victimizationp. 85
Phases of the Iter Criminisp. 85
Cogitation (Cogitatio)p. 85
Preparatory Acts (Conatus Remotus)p. 86
Beginning of Execution (Conatus Proximus)p. 86
Execution (Executio)p. 87
Consummation (Goal achieved or Consummatio)p. 87
Attempt (Unsuccessful Crime or Conatus Proximus)p. 87
Phases of the Iter Victimaep. 87
Intuition (Intuito)p. 87
Preparatory Acts (Conatus Remotus)p. 87
Beginning of Execution (Conatus Proximus)p. 88
Execution (Executio)p. 88
Consummation (Consummatio) or Attempt (Unsuccessful Crime or Conatus Proximus)p. 88
Victim/Offender Crossing Schemesp. 88
Repeat Victimizationp. 95
Research on Repeat Victimsp. 95
Typical Incidences of Repeat Victimizationp. 96
Origin of Repeat Victimizationp. 97
Hypotheses for the Victim Precipitating or Programming the Crimep. 101
Medical Actionsp. 108
Elimination of Life: Homicide, Euthanasia, Suicide and Assisted Suicidep. 111
Physical Harm (Assault and Battery) and Torturep. 113
Traffic Accidentsp. 114
Sexual Intolerancep. 115
Theft, Robbery and Abductionp. 120
Fraudulent Maneuversp. 121
Corruption and Illicit Enrichmentp. 123
Extortion and Blackmailp. 126
Invasion of Individuality and Invasion of Privacyp. 127
Victimological Typology: Specific Types of Victimsp. 133
The Profile of Victimizationp. 133
Specific Types of Victimsp. 133
Binyamin Mendelsohn (Israel, 1947)p. 133
Hans Von Henting (United States, 1948)p. 134
Henri Ellenberg (France, 1954)p. 136
Marvin Wolfgang (United States, 1956)p. 137
Willy Callewaert (France, 1959)p. 137
Jean Pinatel (France, 1961)p. 137
Luiz Jimenez de Asua (Argentina, 1961)p. 138
Severin Versele (Belgium, 1962)p. 138
Lola Aniyar de Castro (Venezuela, 1962)p. 138
Torsten Sellin and Marvin Wolfgang (United States, 1964)p. 138
Guglielmo Gulotta (Italy, 1971)p. 139
Ezzat Fatah (Canada, 1971)p. 139
Vasile Stanciu (France, 1975)p. 140
Stephen Schafer (United States, 1977)p. 141
Hilda Marchiori (Mexico, 1980)p. 141
Elias Neuman (Argentina, 1984)p. 141
Jacques Verin (France, 1985)p. 142
Ivan Jakovljevic (Yugoslavia, 1985)p. 142
Luis Rodriguez Manzanera (Mexico, 1988)p. 142
Edmundo Oliveira (Brazil, 1989)p. 143
Gianluigi Ponti (Italy, 1990)p. 145
Judicial Prosecutionp. 147
Persecutio Criminisp. 147
The Victim and the Penal Proceedingp. 147
The Victim in Brazilian Criminal Lawp. 151
The Victim as Passive Subjectp. 151
Innocent Victimizationp. 154
Conscious Victimizationp. 154
Unconscious Victimizationp. 155
Subconscious Victimizationp. 155
Conclusionp. 157
Bibliographyp. 159
Indexp. 167
About the Authorp. 173
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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