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Victims And Victimology

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-10-01
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd

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Victims and VictimologyResearch, Policy and PracticeJo GoodeyThis book provides an introduction to key debates in the field of victims and victimology. Emergent and established themes in victim-centred research, policy and practice are outlined and illustrated with detailed case studies of important developments; including, for example, repeat victimisation, victim compensation, and probation-based victim contact work. While the mainstay of the text focuses on victim-centred criminal and social justice developments in England and Wales, examples are offered from around the world in an effort to explore the victim's 'place' in the context of wider political and policy debates. The book's eight chapters, together with its introduction and end comment, describe and comment on some of the most salient developments, in recent years, in so-called 'victim-centred' justice. reviews our current understanding of 'who' the victim is and criminal justice responses to victimisation examines the interplay and conflict between academic victimology and victim advocacy discusses the needs and rights of the victim and their impact on defendants' rights provides coverage of different criminal justice models purporting to be 'victim-centred', including restorative justice, one of the most hotly debated criminal justice developments in recent years explores neglected and emergent themes in victim-centred research, such as trafficking in women for sexual exploitation and white collar crime. Victims and Victimology is suitable for courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.Jo Goodey is Research Administrator at the European Commission's Vienna-based European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. She is co-editor, with Adam Crawford, of Integrating a Victim Perspective within Criminal Justice (2000), and has published many journal articles and book chapters on a range of victim-related research.

Table of Contents

Contextualising Victims and Victimology
Counting Victimisation: Who are the victims?
Understanding 'Fear of Crime' and 'Vulnerability'
Academic Victimology, Victim Advocacy and Social Policy
Looking at Victims' Needs and Rights
Balancing Victims' and Offenders' Rights
Restorative Justice: Victim-Centred Paradigm Shift?
Neglected and Emergent Victim-Centred Research and Policy End Comment
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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