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Viscoplastic Flow in Solids Produced by Shear Banding

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-05-31
  • Publisher: Wiley
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A complete overview of the topic of viscoplastic flow in solids produced by shear banding

This book presents novel ideas about inelastic deformation and failure of solids in a clear, concise manner. It exposes readers to information that will allow them to acquire the competence and ability to deal with up-to-date manufacturing and failure processes. It also portrays a new understanding of deformation processes. Finally, shear banding’s typical mechanism becomes the active cause of viscoplastic flow and not the ­passive effect.

Viscoplastic Flow in Solids Produced by Shear Banding begins by discussing the new physical model of multilevel hierarchy and the evolution of micro-shear bands. In conclusion, it examines the difficulties of applying a direct multiscale integration scheme and extends the representative volume element (RVE) concept using the general theory of the singular surfaces of the microscopic velocity field sweeping out the RVE. This book reveals a new formulation of the shear strain rate generated by the consecutive systems of shear bands in the workflow integration approach. This book:

  • Presents fresh ideas about inelastic deformation and failure of materials
  • Provides readers with the ability to deal with up-to-date manufacturing and failure processes
  • Sheds light on the interdisciplinary view of deformation processes in solids

Viscoplastic Flow in Solids Produced by Shear Banding will appeal to researchers studying physical foundations of inelastic behaviour and failure of solid materials, dealing with analysis and numerical simulations of manufacturing forming processes. It is also an excellent resource for graduate and postgraduate students of material science and mechanical engineering faculties.

Author Biography

Ryszard B. Pęcherski, PhD, DSc, is the Head of the Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (https://www.ippt.pan.pl/en/staff/?osoba=rpecher). He received his MEng from the Gdańsk Polytechnic Department of Shipbuilding in Gdańsk, Poland in 1973 and his PhD from the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research in Warsaw, Poland in 1979, where he has been a member of the research staff since 1977. He was a Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan from 1979-1980 and a Fellow of the Aleksander von Humboldt-Foundation, University of Hannover, Hanover, Germany from 1983-1987. He was a member of the faculty of Civil Engineering at Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland from 2000-2007, teaching courses on the strength of materials and the theory of plasticity. Since 2007, he has been a member of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland, teaching courses on technical mechanics and mechanics of materials. 

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

1.1. The objective of the work

1.2. For whom is this work intended

1.3. State of the art

1.4. Summary of the content

1.5. Acknowledgements

1.6. Reference list

2. Physical basis

2.1. Deformation mechanisms of single crystals

2.1.1. Plastic glide and twinning

2.1.2. Hierarchy of plastic slip processes

2.1.3. Localised forms of plastic deformation

2.1.4. Physical nature of shear bands

2.2. Plastic deformation in polycrystals

2.2.1.  Mechanisms of plastic deformation and the evolution of internal micro stresses

2.2.2.  Micro-shear bands hierarchy and their macroscopic effects

2.2.3. Physical nature of micro-shear bands in polycrystals

2.2.4. Comments on "adiabatic" micro-shear bands

2.3. Reference list

3. Incorporation of shear banding activity into the model of inelastic deformations

3.1. Plastic deformation of metallic solids vis-à-vis the continuum mechanics

3.2. Hypothesis on the extension of the RVE concept

3.3.  Model of shear strain rate generated by micro-shear bands

3.4. Reference list

4. Basics of rational mechanics of materials

4.1. A recollection of rational continuum mechanics

4.2. The rational theory of materials – epilogue

4.2.1. The concept of the deformable body

4.2.2. The motion of a body

4.2.3. The deformation of a body

4.2.4. The deformation gradient

4.3. Reference list

5. Continuum mechanics description of shear banding

5.1. System of active micro-shear bands idealised as the surface of strong discontinuity

5.1.1. On finite inelastic deformations with high lattice misorientation

5.2. Macroscopic averaging

5.3. Reference list

6. Deformation of a body due to shear banding – theoretical foundations

6.1. Basic concepts and relations of finite deformation of crystalline solids

6.2. Continuum model of finite inelastic deformations with permanent lattice misorientation

6.3. Basic concepts and relations of constitutive description – elastic range

6.4. The yield limit versus shear banding – the “extremal surface”

6.5. Reference list

7. The failure criteria concerning the onset of shear banding

7.1. The yield condition for modern materials – the state of the art

7.2. The yield condition for the isotropic materials revealing the strength differential effect

7.3. Examples and visualisations of the particular Burzyński failure criteria

7.4. Remarks on the extension of limit criteria including anisotropic materials

7.5. Reference list

8. Constitutive description of viscoplasticity accounting for shear banding

8.1. The model of plastic flow with nonlinear development of kinematic hardening

8.2. The Perzyna viscoplasticity model accounting for shear banding

8.3. Identification of viscoplasticity model

8.4. The crystal plasticity modelling of deformation processes in metals accounting for shear banding

8.5. Viscoplastic deformation of nanocrystalline metals

8.6. Reference list

9. Conclusions

9.1. Concluding remarks

9.1.1. Shear banding mediated flow vis-à-vis ductile failure analysis

9.1.2. Application of peridynamic numerical simulations of shear banding processes

9.2. Reference list


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