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Want 4 Me 4 U

by Unknown
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2024-05-10
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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"Want 4 me 4 U" chronicles the story of a Muslim family who lives in New Jersey. Rich with humor and thoughtful illustrations of Islamic culture, the book shares the protagonist's struggles to understand the plural marriage concept.

Samia McCants' reality is different from what most others experience. Throughout the book, readers join her on a journey going through the ebbs and flows of managing her home, her work life, and her struggles adapting to a lifestyle she wants no part of. Her story offers humor, life lessons and compelling insight into a Muslim household.

Author Biography

We are a haven harmoniously intertwined with Islamic culture. At Brig4peace, we carefully balance religious principles with real world responses – catering to the diverse needs, commandments, and aspirations of our community.

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