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We Are Family

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2017-03-07
  • Publisher: Tiger Tales
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This engaging picture book celebrates the uniqueness and diversity of families—and no matter how different they may seem, the love that is shared is all the same.

Every family is unique and special. Some families are made up of many people, and some are much smaller. Sometimes family members look like each other, and sometimes they don’t! From busy mornings before school to special times spent together, families engage in many similar activities. This engaging picture book celebrates the diversity of families around the world and explores the ways that family members support each other through good times and bad. Families may look different, but the love that is shared is all the same.

Author Biography

Patricia Hegarty began working in children's publishing more years ago than she cares to remember! As an editor she has worked on titles ranging from atlases to animal pop-ups, craft kits to crazy mazes, and sticker books to secret diaries.

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