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Weird But True Gross 300 Slimy, Sticky, and Smelly Facts

by Unknown
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2016-03-08
  • Publisher: National Geographic Kids

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Get ready to be grossed out -- in a good way! This latest addition to the crazy popular Weird but True series is slimy and sticky and jam-packed with more icky, zany fun! Step up to the plate and try not to lose your lunch, with 300 all-new, amazing facts plus photos that kids just can't get enough of.

Author Biography

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS inspires young adventurers to explore the world through award-winning magazines, books, website, apps, games, toys, television series and events and is the only kids brand with a world-class scientific organization at its core.

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