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Wild Magic

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-06-01
  • Publisher: Simon Pulse

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This first volume of the Immortals Quartet tells the adventures of Daine, a young girl on the edge of discovering her own magic-- and her powerful and strange connection to the animal world.

Author Biography

Tamora Pierce has more than twenty fantasy novels for teenagers in print worldwide in English, German, Swedish, and Danish, and audio books in Danish and English. Alanna: The First Adventure was her first published book and the foundation of the Tortallan quartets: Song of the Lioness, The Immortals, and The Protector of the Small. Alanna received an Author's Citation by the New Jersey Institute of Technology's Seventeenth Annual New Jersey Writers Conference and was on the Recommended Fantasy list of the Preconference on Genres of the Young Adult Services Division of the American Library Association, June 1991. Her other publications include short stories, articles, and her two Circle of Magic quartets. She was also an actor and writer for a radio drama and comedy production company in the 1980s and recently resumed her voice actor's motley for Bruce Coville's Full Cast Audio book company. Tammy has been a housemother, a social worker, a secretary, and an agent's assistant. She lives in New York with her Spouse-Creature, technoweenie Tim Liebe, three cats, two parakeets, and wildlife rescued from the park.

Table of Contents

Girl with a Ponyp. 1
The Hawkp. 23
Spidrens and Meditationp. 49
The Queen's Ridersp. 79
Wild Magicp. 109
Mageletp. 144
Buzzard Rocksp. 179
Pirate's Swoopp. 209
Siegep. 237
Listening Far Enoughp. 264
Epiloguep. 292
Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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