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Wild Magic The Wildwood Tarot Workbook

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-10-10
  • Publisher: Sterling Ethos
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List Price: $14.95


Want to delve deeper into the concepts that made The Wildwood Tarot wildly popular? This workbook further explores those powerful ancient traditions.
Wild Magic invokes the power of the Wildwood—the Green Man and Green Woman, as well as all the living archetypes of the forest, such as Herne the Hunter and Robin-i-the-Hood. Journey across time to the pre-Celtic world where primal forces, in the guise of animal, bird, and fish, roamed free and opened doorways into the otherworld of the Ancestors. With chapters on the Lore of the Wild, the Wheel of the Year, shamanic methods of examining the wild, and meditations designed to enable personal encounters with Wildwood archetypes, as well as newly crafted rituals enabling readers to celebrate festivals such as the Midsummer and Midwinter Solstices, the book takes a fresh and informed look at a set of ancient traditions applied to the present.

Author Biography

John Matthews is an award-winning author whose Pirates (Carlton) was a New York Times bestseller. His Celtic Warrior Chiefs was a New York Public Library-recommended title for young people and Arthur of Albion (Barefoot Books) won a Gold Medal from NAPPA.
Mark Ryan is a theater, film, and TV actor, who is writing the graphic novel The Pilgrim.
Will Worthington has illustrated the Green Man Tree Oracle and Druid Craft Tarot (both Connections), as well as many other books.

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