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The Wild Rue of Persia Magic, Myth and Folklore in Iran

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-02-26
  • Publisher: I. B. Tauris
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List Price: $120.00


The Wild Rue is a unique study of myth and magic in Iran. Bess Donaldson spent thirty years in Iran as both missionary and teacher and in this classic work she records the beliefs and superstitions of country at a time when they were increasingly under threat from the tremendous changes brought about by the Shah's program of modernization. This earlier way of life, with its belief in angels and the evil eye, and with its age-old rituals surrounding childbirth and burial, is recounted in an informed yet highly readable text. A unique study of magic, myth and folklore with chapters on cosmology, names and numbers, snakes, dreams, talismans and signs, childbirth, angels, the evil eye, and the calendar. A classic work, long unavailable but now back in print.

Author Biography

Bess Allen Donaldson was an American Presbyterian missionary and teacher. She began teaching at the Iran Bethel Girl's School in 1910, eventually becoming its principal. Bess Donaldson spent thirty years in Iran, during which time she gathered the material for The Wild Rue.

Table of Contents

1. The Evil Eye
2. Practices at Childbirth
3. The Jinn
4. Love and Marriage
5. Saints, Saiyids and Places of Pilgimage
6. Pilgrimage
7. Death, Burial and Resurrection
8. Angels
9. Sacrifices
10. The Kaf Mountain and Related Beliefs
11. Seasons and Weather
12. The Heavens and Heavenly Bodies
13. Names and Numbers
14. Oaths, Curses and Blessings
15. The Calendar
16. The Koran
17. Trees and Plants
18. Stones and Metals
19. Quadrupeds and Birds
20. Snakes, Scorpios and Insects
21. Dreams and Sleep
22. Weeping, Expectorating, Breathing and Sneezing
23. Nails, Hair and Teeth
24. Foods
25. Divination and Exorcism
26. Talismans and Signs

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