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Women Writing Resistance Essays on Latin America and the Caribbean

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-10-10
  • Publisher: Beacon Press

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Essays on Latinx and Caribbean identity and on globalization by renowned women writers, including Julia Alvarez, Edwidge Danticat, and Jamaica Kincaid

Women Writing Resistance: Essays on Latin America and the Caribbean gathers the voices of sixteen acclaimed writer-activists for a one-of-a-kind collection. Through poetry and essays, writers from the Anglophone, Hispanic, and Francophone Caribbean, including Puertorriqueñas and Cubanas, grapple with their hybrid American political identities. Gloria Anzaldúa, the founder of Chicana queer theory; Rigoberta Menchú, the first Indigenous person to win a Nobel Peace Prize; and Michelle Cliff, a searing and poignant chronicler of colonialism and racism, among many others, highlight how women can collaborate across class, race, and nationality to lead a new wave of resistance against neoliberalism, patriarchy, state terrorism, and white supremacy.

Author Biography

Jennifer Browdy teaches comparative literature and gender studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock. She is also a co-editor of African Women Writing Resistance and Writing Fire: An Anthology Celebrating the Power of Women’s Words.

Table of Contents

Preface by Elizabeth Martinez
Introduction by Jennifer Browdy

Part One: Re-Envisioning History
1 Revision (Aurora Levins Morales)
2 We Are Ugly, but We Are Here (Edwidge Danticat)
3 The Silent Witness (Raquel Partnoy)
4 And What Would It Be Like? (Michelle Cliff)
5 Everthing I Kept: Reflections of an “Anthropoeta” (Ruth Behar)
6 The Dream of Nunca Más: Healing the Wounds (Emma Sepúlveda)

Part Two: The Politics of Language and Identity
7 Language as an Instrument of Domination (Rosario Castellanos)
8 Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to Third World Women Wrtiers (Gloria Anzaldúa)
9 Las aeious (Ruth Irupé Sanabria)
10 Art in América con Acento (Cherríe Moraga)
11 The Myth of the Latin Woman (Judith Ortiz Cofer)
12 The Quincentenary Conference and the Earth Summit, 1992 (Rigoberta Menchú)

Part Three: Strategies of Resistance
13 A Massacre in Mexico (Elena Poniatowska)
14 A Small Place (Jamaica Kincaid)
15 One Precious Moment (Margaret Randall)
16 On Being Shorter: How Our Testimonial Texts Defy the Academy (Alicia Partnoy)
17 Death in the Desert: The Women of Ciudad Juárez
18: I Came To Help: Resistance Writ Small (Julia Alvarez)

Selected Bibliography
About the Editor and Contributors

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