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Woodcock-Johnson IV Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2016-01-26
  • Publisher: Wiley

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Includes online access to new, customizable WJ IV score tables, graphs, and forms for clinicians

Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies offers psychologists, clinicians, and educators an essential resource for preparing and writing psychological and educational reports after administering the Woodcock-Johnson IV. Written by Drs. Nancy Mather and Lynne E. Jaffe, this text enhances comprehension and use of this instrument and its many interpretive features. This book offers helpful information for understanding and using the WJ IV scores, provides tips to facilitate interpretation of test results, and includes sample diagnostic reports of students with various educational needs from kindergarten to the postsecondary level. The book also provides a wide variety of recommendations for cognitive abilities; oral language; and the achievement areas of reading, written language, and mathematics. It also provides guidelines for evaluators and recommendations focused on special populations, such as sensory impairments, autism, English Language Learners, and gifted and twice exceptional students, as well as recommendations for the use of assistive technology. The final section provides descriptions of the academic and behavioral strategies mentioned in the reports and recommendations. The unique access code included with each book allows access to downloadable, easy-to-customize score tables, graphs, and forms.

This essential guide

  • Facilitates the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral
    Language, and Tests of Achievement
  • Explains scores and various interpretive features
  • Offers a variety of types of diagnostic reports
  • Provides a wide variety of educational recommendations and evidence-based strategies 

Author Biography

NANCY MATHER, PHD, is a Professor at the University of Arizona in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies. She is a coauthor of the Woodcock-Johnson® IV.

LYNNE E. JAFFE, PHD, is in private practice specializing in psychoeducational evaluations, educational therapy, and consulting regarding interventions for students with learning problems.

Table of Contents



Introduction 3

Part 1: Descriptive and Interpretive Information 4

Explanation of Major Broad Cognitive Abilities 4

Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) 4

Fluid Reasoning (Gf) 4

Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) 5

Long-Term Memory and Learning Efficiency 6

Learning Efficiency 6

Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) 6

Processing Speed (Gs) 6

Perceptual Speed 7

Orthographic Processing 7

Visual Processing (Gv) 7

Auditory Processing (Ga) 7

Phonetic Coding 7

Hierarchy and Explanation of Four Score Levels of Information Available on the WJ IV 8

Level 1: Qualitative 8

Task Analysis and Comparisons of Selected Tests 8

Level 2: Level of Development 8

W Scores 8

Age and Grade Equivalents 8

Some Cautions about Interpreting Grade and Age Equivalents 10

Level 3: Degree of Proficiency 10

Relative Proficiency Index (RPI) 11

Relative Proficiency Index, Standard Score, and the Standard Deviation 11

Comparative Language Index 13

Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) 13

Age/Grade Band Profiles 13

Level 4: Comparison with Peers 13

Percentile Ranks (PR) 13

Standard Scores (SS) 14

Z Scores 14

Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) 14

Score Terminology and Explanation of Cluster Scores, Variations, and Comparisons 14

Score Terminology 14

Actual Standard Score (SS) 14

Predicted SS 14

SS Difference (SS Diff) 14

Discrepancy Standard Deviation (SD) 14

Discrepancy Percentile Rank (PR) 14

Interpretation at ±1.50 SD (SEE: Standard Error of Estimate) 14

Cluster Scores 15

Variations 15

Explanation of Variations 15

Variation Predicted Score 15

Comparisons 16

Scholastic Aptitude/Achievement Comparisons 18

Sample Statements for Reporting Scores 18

Score Levels Reported in Combination 18

Cognitive 18

Oral Language 19

Achievement 19

Level of Development 19

Grade and Age Equivalents 19

Relative Proficiency Scores 19

Peer Comparison Scores 20

Overview of Tests and Task Demands (WJ IV COG, WJ IV OL, WJ IV ACH) 23

Example Items 27

Score Equivalents, Classification Labels, and Average Grade Placement for Age 32

Tips for Interpretation 36

General Tips 36

Specific Comparisons 37

Memory 37

Academic Fluency/Processing Speed 37

Oral Language 38

Phonological Awareness to Print 38

Basic Reading and Writing Skills 39

Reading Comprehension 40

Written Expression 40

Handwriting 41

Mathematics 41

Part 2: Score Forms 43

Tests and Clusters Score Forms 44

Cluster Descriptions and Scores 49

Strengths and Weaknesses Profile—RPI and SS 52

RPI Profile of Cluster and Test Scores 57

WJ IV Dyslexia Profile of Scores 64


Introduction 67

Types of Evaluations 67

Depth of Information 68

Types of Scores 68

Recommendations 68

Discrepancy and Variation Interpretation 69

Sources and Uses of Information 69

Outline for Reports 69

Identifying Information 69

Reason for Referral 69

Background Information 69

Classroom Observations 70

Assessment Procedures Used 70

Behaviors during Testing 70

Intellectual / Cognitive Abilities, Oral Language, and / or

Achievement: Results and Interpretation 71

Summary (optional) 71

Recommendations 71

General Stylistic Suggestions 71

Assessment Report Rubric 72

Diagnostic Reports 74


Introduction 273


Fluid Reasoning 274

Memory 275

Cognitive Processing/Perceptual Speed 278

Visual Processing and Visual Perception/VisualDetail 279

Phonemic Awareness/Phonological Awareness 282

Oral Language 289


Basic Reading Skills 304

Reading Rate and Fluency 312

Reading Comprehension 317

Handwriting/Visual-Motor 327

Basic Writing Skills 336

Written Expression 343

Mathematics: Basic Skills 353

Mathematics: Problem Solving 368

Knowledge / Content Areas / Study Strategies 373


Behavior Management and Intervention 378

Homework 384

Response to Intervention (RtI) 390

Technology 392

Testing/Test-Taking 409

Transitions 413


Self-Esteem 417

Self-Advocacy 420

Social Skills 423


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

and Attentional Challenges 426

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 438

English Language Learners (ELL) 444

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional 455

Hearing Impairment 469

Visual Impairment 479


Introduction 491

Addition/Multiplication Facts: Instructional Sequence 492

Addition Facts: Organizational Structure for Memorization 492

Alternate Pronunciation for Spelling 493

Anticipation Guide 494

Behavior Rating Chart 495

Behavioral Contracts 499

Behavioral Interventions for the Whole Class 499

Classroom Rules: Guidelines 501

Cohesive Devices: Types 501

Collaborative Strategic Reading 502

Content Area Instruction: Components of Effective Lessons 504

Context Clues 505

Directed Reading-Thinking Activity 506

Directed Vocabulary-Thinking Activity 507

Dolch Story and Word List 508

Elkonin Procedure (Adapted) 513

Error Monitoring Strategy (COPS) 514

Flow List for Reading and Spelling Words 516

Glass-Analysis for Decoding Only 518

Instant Words 521

Instructional Accommodations Survey 527

Kerrigan’s Integrated Method of Teaching Composition 529

K-W-L-S Strategy: Know–Want to Know–Learned–Still Need to Learn 529

Letter Pattern Recognition: Instruction 530

Letter Patterns: Games to Reinforce Recognition 532

Look-Sign-Fingerspell-Write (LSFW) 533

Look-Spell-See-Write 537

Math Computation Form: Large 538

Math Computation Form: Small 539

Math Problem-Solving Strategy 540

Memory Strategy Instruction 540

Mnemonic Strategies 541

Multisensory Structured Language Approaches to Teaching Reading 544

Multisensory Study Method for Irregular Words 545

Organization of Materials and Assignments 546

Phonics Check-off Chart (1) 548

Phonics Check-off Chart (2) 549

Precision Teaching 550

Principles of Spelling Instruction for Struggling Spellers 552

Question-Answer Relationship 553

Reading Rate: Words Correct Per Minute 556

Repeated Reading 557

Self-Management Strategy for Improving Adolescent Behavior 560

Self-Regulated Strategy Development 561

Semantic Feature Analysis 566

Sentence Types 566

Speed Drills for Reading Fluency and Basic Skills 567

SQ3R 568

STORE the Story for Reading 569

Strategy Instruction 571

Syllable Types 572

Talk-to-Yourself Chart 574

Telling Time Strategy 574

Test-Taking Strategy: PIRATES 575

Token Economy Systems 576

Token Economy with Response Cost 577

Vocabulary Games 578

Word Bank Activities 579

Word Mapping Strategy 579

Word Problems: Visualization Strategy 580

Writing Process with Concept Mapping 581




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