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The Wrath of Fantomas

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2019-02-19
  • Publisher: Titan Books

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This Eisner-nominated graphic novel features the stunning reimagining of a classic French literary character, dubbed the first ever superhero.

Freely adapted from the work of Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre, with a plot worthy of the best black novels, Rocheleau plunges the reader into the Paris of the 1910s and provokes terror and fascination by resuscitating Fantomas, the evil character with a hundred faces...

Fantomas is the first superhero in history. All masked men and women who grace the pages of American comics and movie screens are his illegitimate children. The blood of Fantomas flows in the veins of each of them.

Written by Oliver Bocquet (Snowpiercer) and illustrated by the Eisner Award-Nominated artist, Julia Rochelau, this edition was noimated for the 2020 Eisner Award for Best U.S. Edition of International Material.

Author Biography

Olivier Bocquet has been a pump attendant on the A6 motorway, event photographer, manager of a restaurant in Montmartre, peddler, invoice controller at EDF, logistics assistant, translator of user manuals for major brand appliances, and sexer of chicks. He has also written and / or directed short programs for French television youth channels, TV trailers, a short film, and a novel.

With The Wrath of Fantomas, Julie Rocheleau makes her professional comics debut. Between 2002 and 2011, she worked for various animation studios, designing characters and storyboards. She has made independent short films, illustrated many children's books an has created posters for cultural events. In 2009, she took her first steps in comics with The Invisible Girl, from a script by Émilie Villeneuve.

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