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Wrestling with Zion Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2003-10-13
  • Publisher: Grove Press

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As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalates, a dangerous illusion persists that the American Jewish community speaks with a single voice, expressing universal, uncritical support for the policies of the Sharon government. This appearance of unanimity does grave disservice to the heterogeneity of Jewish thought, and to the centuries-old Jewish traditions of lively dispute and rigorous, unapologetic skeptical inquiry. Wrestling with Zion brings together prominent poets, essayists, journalists, activists, academics, novelists, and playwrights, representing the diversity of opinion in the progressive Jewish-American community regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. All the participants share three things: a Jewish identity, an American identity, and a sense of urgency, refusing to ignore the catastrophic injustice that has been visited upon the Palestinian people, while at the same time being passionately committed to Jewish survival and American legacies of compassion and moral courage. The contributors — including Nathan Englander, Susan Sontag, Robert Pinsky, Daniel Wolfe, and many others — have considered certain essential questions: What is at the heart of the connection between Israel and American Jews? What is Israel's role in shaping Jewish-American identities? How has this role changed historically? And what is the history, both familiar and forgotten, of Zionism's political, cultural, and spiritual meaning?

Table of Contents

Frontispiece: Sh'ma: From The Book of Blessings
Wrestling with Zion: An Introductionp. 1
What We've Always Known: A Century's Sample of Dissenting Voicesp. 13
From "A Truth from Eretz Yisrael"p. 14
Letters to Chaim Weizmann and Felix Warburgp. 17
Our Psuedo-Samsonsp. 21
From "Zionism Reconsidered"p. 24
Two Letters to the Editor of the The New York Timesp. 26
From "Israel's Spiritual Climate"p. 29
From "Holy War"p. 31
On Withdrawing from Sh'map. 35
Morning Newsp. 37
The United States-Israeli Alliancep. 41
Deal Breakersp. 51
Israel and the Media: An Acquired Tastep. 61
Rescuing Private Lynch, Forgetting Rachel Corriep. 69
The Chosen: Ideological Roots of the U.S.-Israeli Special Relationshipp. 72
"Globalize the Intifada"p. 81
If We Really Care About Israel: Breira and the Limits of Dissentp. 89
Five Short Essays
A Profile of Henry Siegmanp. 106
Jewish Ethics and Terrorismp. 108
It Does Concern the Diasporap. 110
The Perils of Messianic Politicsp. 113
When Oslo Finally Diesp. 116
Deal with Fundamentalsp. 117
Of Dogs and Tails: The Changing Nature of the Pro-Israeli Lobby
The Unchanging Nature of the U.S.-Israeli Alliancep. 120
Wingsp. 134
Jew vs. Jew: On the Jewish Civil War and the New Propheticp. 139
Jewish Days and Nightsp. 157
Why Israel Must Choose Justicep. 166
Living With the Holocaust: The Journey of a Child of Holocaust Survivorsp. 70
Rally 'Round the Flagp. 178
On a Zion in the Wildernessp. 183
A Blessing to the Families of the Earthp. 191
Dislocated Identities: Reflections of an Arab-Jewp. 195
Interrogate My Lovep. 198
No Returnp. 205
My Patriarch Problem - and Oursp. 221
Is There Still a Jewish Question? Why I'm an Anti-Anti-Zionistp. 226
Afraid 233
Immature Song Inman Square Incantationp. 236
"Anti-Semitism," Israel, and the Leftp. 243
The Charge of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel, and the Risks of Public Critiquep. 249
Sharon, Le Pen, and Anti-Semitismp. 266
Wallp. 269
The Fundamental Truthp. 275
The Law of Returnp. 279
Returning the Law of Returnp. 279
In Defense of the Law of Returnp. 287
Roadblocks of the Soulp. 290
Utopia: An English Professor's Answerp. 291
To Our Son, Marek Alexander Barnette, on the Occasion of His Namingp. 293
Should Jews Relinquish the Right of Return? No!p. 294
Nothing Is Good for the Jewsp. 295
Bordersp. 297
Intifada Diptychp. 301
Next Year Where?p. 314
Ruins, Mounting toward Jerusalemp. 323
Prayerp. 337
On the Refusniksp. 341
A Profile on Dr. Robert Jay Liftonp. 341
On Courage, Truth, and Resistancep. 344
Doing Activism, Working for Peace: A Roundtable Discussion, March 9, 2003p. 350
Birkat Shalom, Blessing of Peace: From The Book of Blessingsp. 379
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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