10-101-107 40191 Summer 2024

Accounting Principles of - MillerStephanie L

Inclusive Access Course

This course features an Inclusive Access product where course materials are delivered digitally on the first day of class and are included in your course fee.
Learn more about Inclusive Access here.

A reduced semesterly fee will be added to your student account prior to the class start date. As an alternative to automatically activating your Cengage Unlimited subscription, you may opt-out of this process and purchase the resources separately through the bookstore. Contact your instructor before the first day of class to learn more about this option.

Once Per Semester
Course Fee: $60.00.


This course uses Cengage Unlimited. A reduced semesterly fee will be added to your student account prior to the class start date. This fee will cover all products included in the Cengage Unlimited subscription. As an alternative to automatically activating your Cengage Unlimited subscription, you may opt out of this process and purchase the resources separately through the bookstore. Contact your instructor before the first day of class to learn more about this option.
Cengage Unlimited 1 Term (4 Months) Subscription


ISBN13: 9780357700006

Marketplace displays items offered for sale by individuals - they are fulfilled by the seller, not your Online Bookstore:

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How it works:

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With Pearson+ you can choose from one eText (Single) or over 1,500 eTexts (Multi) and study tools, all for one 4-month subscription. Features include enhanced search, offline access, notes and flashcards.

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Renting can save over the cost of purchasing:

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How Used Books Work:

This item may be listed as Required New due to its format - usually a loose-leaf or workbook that may not be complete if used - or because of supplemental materials required for the course.

Only new books are guaranteed to include required supplements like access cards, codes, CDs, etc. that would not be included with rentals, used copies or ebooks.

You will receive access information via email for this item.

This access information may be in the form of a Redemption Code or User Name with Password.

You will receive an item in the mail which includes access information for your eBook.

This will be in the form of a printed access card, which may be smaller than a sheet of paper.

How Marketplace Works:

Please be sure to read the Description offered by the Seller.