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Microsoft Office Excel 2007 QuickSteps

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-01-09
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

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Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics! Get started using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions show you how to use all the new and improved features available in this premier spreadsheet program. Follow along and learn to work with the new Office interface and ribbon, create workbooks, use Excel's XML file formats, enter and edit data, use formulas and functions create charts and tables, analyze data, and more. Plus, it's easy to flip straight to the information you need using the color-coded tabs. Get the book that gets you started using Excel 2007 in no time. In each chapter: Shortcuts for accomplishing common tasks Need-to-know facts in concise narrative Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things Bonus information related to the topic being covered Errors and pitfalls to avoid

Author Biography

John Cronan has contributed to more than 20 computer-related titles, including Windows XP: A Beginner's Guide.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Stepping into Excel

Chapter 2. Entering and Editing Data

Chapter 3. Formatting a Worksheet

Chapter 4. Using Formulas and Functions

Chapter 5. Printing Data

Chapter 6. Charting Data

Chapter 7. Working with Graphics

Chapter 8. Managing Data

Chapter 9. Analyzing and Sharing Data

Chapter 10. Extending Excel

Supplemental Materials

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