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Nonparametric Comparative Statics and Stability

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1999-10-01
  • Publisher: Princeton Univ Pr
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The authors, leading researchers in the fields of mathematical economics and methodology, present the first comprehensive synthesis of literature on qualitative and other nonparametric techniques, which are important elements of comparative statics and stability analysis in economic theory. The topics covered show how to assess the comparative statics and stability of economic models without a precise quantitative knowledge of all model components. Applications of the analysis range from determining refutable hypotheses from theory to auditing the solutions of large, computer-based systems. This book discusses in depth the methodology involved in a nonparametric analysis of many neoclassical economic models. Constituting a virtually self-contained manual on such analysis, it provides detailed derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of restrictive comparative statics and stability results for a range of specified models. Further, algorithms for applying certain of these conditions are given, with examples, as well as the underlying mathematical approach taken. A large body of research is unified covering issues that have been dealt with piecemeal in scattered but important journal articles by the authors and others. The book will prove invaluable to mathematical economists, mathematicians specializing in matrix or graph theory, applied economists working with large-scale economic models, and advanced students of economics.

Author Biography

Douglas Hale is a senior researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy.

Table of Contents

Preface ix
Nonparametric Analysisp. 3
Introductionp. 3
Quantitative Analysisp. 4
Nonparametric Analysisp. 6
An Examplep. 8
Organization of the Bookp. 11
Qualitative Comparative Statics and Stabilityp. 13
Introductionp. 13
Sign Solvability-Backgroundp. 13
The Algorithmic Approach to Strong Sign Solvabilityp. 15
The Algebraic Approach to Sign Solvabilityp. 20
Sign Stabilityp. 27
Potential Stabilityp. 36
Conclusionsp. 38
Appendixp. 40
Information and Invertibilityp. 49
Introductionp. 49
An Algebraic Analysis of Qualitative Invertibilityp. 50
The Elimination Principlep. 56
Categorizing Informationp. 60
The Invertibility of Matrices with Ranked Entriesp. 63
The Invertibility of Matrices with Entries Specified within Given Intervalsp. 81
Summary of the Algebraic Methodp. 85
Stabilityp. 86
Applications in Qualitative Comparative Staticsp. 92
Introductionp. 92
Algorithmic Principlesp. 93
A Qualitative Analysis of the Oil Market Simulation Modelp. 98
A Qualitative Analysis of the Oil and Gas Supply Modelp. 104
Klein's Modelp. 1 117
Summaryp. 121
The Maximization Hypothesisp. 122
Introductionp. 122
Unconstrained Maximizationp. 122
Application: Profit-Maximizing Choices of Inputs by a Competitive Firmp. 134
Constrained Maximizationp. 136
Application: Minimizing the Cost of Productionp. 141
Advanced Topics in Matrix Analysisp. 143
The Correspondence Principlep. 150
Introductionp. 150
An Examplep. 152
Stability and Sign Solvabilityp. 157
GM-Matricesp. 161
Scope of the Correspondence Principlep. 165
Interpretationp. 168
The Competitive Equilibrium: Comparative Staticsp. 170
Introductionp. 170
A Competitive Economyp. 171
Some Historical Commentsp. 174
Restatement of Sign Solvabilityp. 176
Sign Solvability under Walras's Lawp. 180
Sign Solvability under Walras's Law and Homogeneityp. 196
The Competitive Equilibrium: Stability206
Introductionp. 206
Stability under Walras's Law and Homogeneityp. 208
Notesp. 223
Bibliographyp. 227
Name Indexp. 239
Subject Indexp. 241
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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