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Programming Amazon EC2

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-03-07
  • Publisher: Oreilly & Associates Inc

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If you plan to build applications to run on Amazon's Web Services, this is precisely the book you need. Programming Amazon EC2 provides architects, developers, and administrators with an end-to-end approach to designing and building a practical application on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), a central part of the AWS platform. In the process, you'll focus on critical issues such as load balancing, scaling, monitoring, and automation.How easy is it to move an existing application to AWS? How can you design your application so that it will scale effectively? How much storage will you require? This book provides clear answers to those questions and shows you how to build applications in the cloud. Recognize the lifecycle of an application on Amazon AWS and identify the tools and services you'll require Learn how to create, monitor, destroy, and configure EC2 instances Build your own tools to monitor your Amazon cloud applications Learn about a host of other services, including SimpleDB, SQS (queue services), RDS (relational database), Cloud Watch (monitoring), and more Eliminate trial and error when building AWS applications -- without taking the fun out of experimenting

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