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Not Just Another Photoshop Book ..." for the Full Version, CS5 and Earlier

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-11-17
  • Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Not Just Another Photoshop Book ..." for the Full Version, CS5 and Earlier [ISBN: 9781453753736] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Watts, John M., Jr.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


This book is specific to the full version of Photoshop, CS5 and earlier ... This is "not just another Photoshop Book ..." (yes, that's really the name): I mean, really - there must be millions of Photoshop books out there, right? - - but how many of them are written by a custom photographic printer with almost 30 years of experience working with some of the finest photographers in the world? Why is this book different? It's unique because it's written for photographers (NOT graphic artists!) and focuses on what makes a good color print. This book will show you how to use the basics of Photoshop to achieve your desired printing results, using your computer and printer / custom lab. Frustrated by the "Learning Curve" with Photoshop? This book will show you how to effectively navigate through a complex program, showing those functions that you really need and want as a photographer. You'll benefit from this Book if: * If you're just getting started in Photoshop and Digital Printing, then this book is for you - I take the "propeller-head" out of the process! * OR If you have Photoshop and Digital printing experience, but you've been disappointed with the results, then it's time to get back to the basics and learn a system that works. __________________ * Over 130+ pages in PDF Format * Organized in a unique system for ease and speed of learning * Lots of illustrations, examples, and tips * Based on "Real Life" images * Ready access to the author via email or phone

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