Business and Investmentn++Related Transactions | |
Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods | |
Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery | |
Property Dispositions | |
Investments | |
Entity Overview and Taxation of C Corporations | |
Entities Overview | |
Corporate Operations | |
FAS 109: Accounting for Income Taxes | |
Corporate Taxation: Nonliquidating Distributions | |
Corporate Taxation: Formation, Reorganization, and Liquidation | |
Taxation of Flow-Through Entities | |
Forming and Operating Partnerships | |
Dispositions of Partnership Interests and Partnership Distributions | |
S Corporations | |
Multijurisdictional Taxation and Transfer Taxes | |
State and Local Taxes | |
The U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions | |
Transfer Taxes and Wealth Planning | |
Tax Forms | |
Tax Terms Glossary | |
Comprehensive Tax Return Problems | |
Code Indices | |
Table of Cases Cited | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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