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The Power of a Note The fitness journey of a child with autism that began with pen and paper.

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-05-18
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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List Price: $19.20 Save up to $0.10
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An outreach tool for parents, educators, and personal trainers to help at least one child with autism reach his highest potential through movement and health. Positively introduce fitness and design a strength training program to make movement gratifying, productive, and social—this is what separates exercise as a weekend frustration from a lifelong journey.

Over the last twelve years, Sheena Leedham has made a name for herself in the autistic community, inspiring families, teachers, personal trainers, and children with her training and nutrition curriculums, presentations, articles, and most importantly, her powerful message about movement and the design process.

The Power of a Note is a culmination of working with hundreds of families that showcase her training methodology—practical tools that will entice even the most dedicated gamers. Covering everything from program design rooted in observation, communication, a schedule, progress, and motivation, her insights teach you to move from theory to practice and connect with a child.

Based on a true story, Sheena takes you to a gym in London, Ohio, to meet and observe a training session with a boy named Blaine. Watch as she connects with a boy disinterested in exercise. Witness a boy coiled in a U-shape power down his Nintendo DS to exercise! One sixty-minute session packed with fun, play, strength training, endurance, choice, rest, and free time.

With personal insights, research-backed methodology, and colorful visuals, The Power of a Note will leave you feeling inspired and informed to positively introduce exercise to a child with autism and make movement a lifelong journey.

Author Biography

Sheena Leedham earned her master's degree in education at Edinboro University with a concentration in elementary education and recreation administration. Her educational background led her to specialize in programming for children and adults with autism in the public school setting, a partial hospitalization program, Barber National Institute, a private gym setting, Turning Pointe Autism Foundation, and Ohio State University. Through the Ohio State University's Nisonger Center, Sheena coordinates a social support group event every month for teens and young adults with autism to experience the Greater Columbus Area. Sheena also consults Ohio State University's ACE! and PLAN programs, where she creates a physical and nutritional curriculum to educate autistic high school and college students on the importance of habitual fitness and proper nutrition.Soledad has illustrated and designed six children's books and more than twelve scientific dissertations and journal publications. As an animator, she has now designed and animated informational videos for organizations such as the World Health Organization. She obtained a Ph.D. in science from the University of Utrecht before deciding to turn her passion for illustration and animation into her full-time job.

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