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Odysseus Unbound: The Search for Homer's Ithaca

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2005-09-19
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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List Price: $50.00


Where is the Ithaca described in such detail in Homer's Odyssey? The mystery has baffled scholars for over two millennia, particularly because Homer's descriptions bear little resemblance to the modern island called Ithaki. This highly illustrated book tells the extraordinary story of the exciting recent discovery of the true location of Homer's Ithaca by following a detective trail of literary, geological and archaeological clues. We can now identify all the places on the island that are mentioned in the epic--even the site of Odysseus' palace itself. The pages of the Odyssey come alive as we follow its events through a landscape that opens up before our eyes via glorious color photographs and 3-D satellite images. Over a century after Schliemann's discovery of Troy, the information in this groundbreaking volume will revolutionize our understanding of Homer's text and of our cultural ancestors in Bronze Age Greece. Robert Bittlestone was educated in classics and science before reading economics at the University of Cambridge. He is the founder of Metapraxis Ltd., a company specializing in the detection of early warnings for multinational companies. Bittlestone is the author of many articles about the importance of visualization and has applied these principles to the enigma described in this book. James Diggle is Professor of Greek and Latin at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Queens' College. John Underhill is Chair of Stratigraphy at the University of Edinburgh and Associate Professor in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University.

Table of Contents

Text, translation and images
Part I. Speculation: 1. Catastrophe
2. Conundrum
3. Odyssey
4. Controversy
5. Schizocephalonia
6. Strabo
7. Geology
8. Coincidence
9. Competition
10. Ambush
11. Poseidon
Part II. Exploration: 12. Thinia
13. Phorcys
14. Eumaios
15. Asteris
16. Telemachos
Part III. Assimilation: 17. Analysis
18. Inquiry
19. Landscape
20. Quickbird
21. Doulichion
22. Laertes
23. Network
24. Pottery
25. Drama
26. Exodus
Part IV. Revelation: 27. Rockfall
28. Earthquake
29. Uplift
30. Shoreline
31. Epiphany
32. Ithaca
33. Intuition
34. Vision
Appendix 1. James Diggle: A philologist reflects
Appendix 2. John Underhill: The geology and geomorphology of Thinia
Appendix 3. Exploratory technology
Appendix 4. A comparison of Homeric theories
Appendix 5. Postscript.

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