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My Photoshop Elements 13

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-11-21
  • Publisher: Que Pub
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List Price: $24.99


My Photoshop  Elements 13


Step-by-step instructions with callouts to Photoshop Elements 13 screenshots that show you exactly what to do.


Help when you run in to Photoshop Elements 13 problems or limitations.


Tips and Notes to help you get the most from Photoshop Elements 13.


Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through doing everything you want to do with Photoshop Elements 13. Learn how to

--Import, organize, and manage Catalogs, photos, videos, and other digital media

--Use improved photo mashup techniques to recompose your photos

--Customize your photos with 50 new enhancements and variations in the Expert mode
of the Elements Editor

--Edit and enhance your photos with new and improved Instant Fixes, Quick Fixes, and Guided Edits

--Crop your photos like a professional photographer with new cropping tools and options

--Quickly post your photos and video to popular social media sites that are easily accessible in the new Photoshop Elements workspace

--Learn the new Facebook integration to post photos and create a Facebook Cover and Profile picture

--Learn new features, functionality, tips, and techniques with Adobe Elements Live (eLive)

--Share your photos with improved Adobe Revel integration and Private Web Albums

--Add graphics, frames, textures, filters, and shapes, and paint, draw, and add titles and text to your photos

--Use the improved Camera Raw feature to precisely modify and enhance your photos

--Create, print, and share greeting cards, collages, photo books, contact sheets, slideshows, DVD/CD covers and playlists, and more

Author Biography

Cheryl Brumbaugh-Duncan is committed to education and technology. For more than 15 years, Cheryl has run her own company, Virtually Global Communications (VGC), a web design and development company with a focus in online education. Armed with a master’s degree in education, as well as being an expert in web design and development, she has been developing cutting-edge websites and mobile Internet applications, as well as teaching individuals and companies about computers, technology, and web design.


Combining web technologies and education strategies, Cheryl has developed and authored books, instructor-led training curriculum, and online education courses for clientele that includes QWEST, Que Publishing, Alpha Publishing, New Riders Publishing, ADIC, Dell, and Sun Microsystems. She also has authored an Internet-delivered training course on Excel 2007 through the Virtual Training Company, or VTC.


Cheryl also teaches classes in web development and design, as well as a custom class for starting and running a successful business. Cheryl’s commitment to the combination of education, technology, and various delivery methods for communicating information keeps her very busy in this ever-changing world. Please visit her website at to learn more about Cheryl and her company, Virtually Global Communications.


Table of Contents

1. Prologue
2. Getting Comfortable with the Photoshop Elements Workspace, Preferences and Settings
3. Importing Photos and Video
4. Processing Photos with Camera Raw
5. Using The Organizer
6. Viewing and Editing Photos
7. Using the Quick Fix Window
8. Working with Layers
9. Correcting and Retouching Photos
10. Advanced Photo Corrections
11. Adding Effects and Filters to Photos
12. Extend Photoshop Elements with Plug-Ins and Tools
13. Creating Greeting Cards, Collages, Photo Books and More
14. Sharing Your Photos
15. Printing Your Photos

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